The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret

faded from green into red,

into brown and untenable gold,

the orb was a prison

and above Thon-Thalas

the long wingbeat

of the dragon approached,

and the trees bent and bowed

in a sinister wind

as Lorac beheld this

all through the light of the orb,

and the dragon, the Bloodbane,

came with its whispers,

and under its words

the old stones tilted,

and the Tower of Stars,

as white as a sepulchre,

twisted and torted

as the trees rained blood

and the animals shrieked

their cries like torn metal

in a charmed and perpetual midnight.


So it was as the centuries

gathered and telescoped

into the passage

of a dozen years,

as the bristling heart

of Silvanesti

festered and doubled

and hardened like crystal.

And always the promise

of Cyan Bloodbane,

of the dragon coiled

on the crystal globe,

always the promise

was nothing and nothing

and the forest the map

of a strangled country,

land of stillbirth, of fever,

of warped and gangrenous age

and of long unendurable dying,

until from the North

came another invasion

of hard light and lances

as the Heroes, the Fellowship,

the fashioned alliance

of elf and dwarf,

of human and gnome and kender

came to the forest

through the nest of nightmare,

through the growing entanglement,

through bone, through crystal,

through all the forgotten

banes and allures

of the damaged heart,

to Silvanost and the disfigured Tower,

to Lorac, to the imprisoning Orb,

and they freed the Speaker

the Tower and town,

the forest, the people,

the bright orb they freed

and like a survivor

tumbled the globe through the years

through the centuries lodged

in the pale hands of others

and its old polished carapace

bright and reflecting

the hourglassed eyes

of its ultimate wielder.

But the sands were draining

over the Speaker of Suns,

and the knowledge of Lorac,

vaulted and various,

numbered and faceted,

descended and simplified

into a knowledge of evil,

as the forest unfolded,

stripped of the long light,

bare of bedazzlement

and at last Silvanesti

was free of his mind,

torn from the labyrinth

bearing forever the scars of belief

to the last syllable of eventual time,

and Lorac died in his daughter’s arms,

his thoughts in the Tower

entombed and surrendered,

his last wish a burial

underneath Silvanost,

driving the green

from the body’s decay,

resolving to forest,

resolving to Silvanost

forever and ever, his enabling ghost

to ascribe and deliver

the land that he dreamt of,

as thought was translated to dream.

And yes, it is always like this,

for the country is haunted

with old supposition,

and no matter the stories,

no matter the rumors

of legend and magic

that illumine you through

the curtain of years,

you come to believe

in the web of yourself

that history twines

in the veins of your fingers,

that it knits all purpose,

all pardon and injury,

recovers the lapsed

and plausible blood,

until finally, in the midst of believing,

you contrive among rumors

the story, the old convolution

of breath and forgetting,

in which you will say,

beyond truth and belief,







Raistlin and the Knight of Solamnia

Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman

It was a chill night for spring, undoubtedly

the reason there were so many people in the inn. The inn

wasn’t accustomed to such crowds. In fact, it wasn’t

accustomed to any crowds, for the inn was new, so new

that it still smelled of fresh-hewn wood and paint instead

of stale ale and yesterday’s stew. Called “Three Sheets,”

after a popular drinking song of the time, the inn was

located in – . But where it was located doesn’t matter. The

inn was destroyed five years later in the Dragon Wars and

never rebuilt. Small wonder, for it was on a road little

traveled then and less traveled after the dragons leveled

the town.

It would be some time yet before the Queen of

Darkness plunged the world into what she hoped would be

eternal night, but already, in these years just prior to the

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Categories: Weis, Margaret