Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

“They’re safe!” Chow cried out, as the crew cheered.

Meanwhile, Bert and two other men were having trouble spreading out the huge energy-collector sheets. Tom and Bud, in their underground moon prison, could only wait in helpless impatience while the difficulty was ironed out. Finally, the setup was complete and the solartron throbbed into action.

Light from the brilliant glare of one of Mr. Swift’s giant searchlights flooded the chasm as current flowed from the power gatherers. Moments later, the matter maker began pouring out oxygen and nitrogen.

Tom checked the atmosphere meter on his suit and gestured to Bud when the pressure reached normal. With a joyful whoop of relief, the boys took off their helmets and doffed their space suits.

“Boy, watch me shin up that wall now!” Bud exclaimed.

Tom grinned. “Nothing to it for a couple of space monkeys like us!”

Without waiting for further assistance, the two boys began clambering up the side of the crevasse. By the time rope slings had been lowered, they were halfway to the top. Within a few moments, both Tom and Bud were sprawled safely on the dusty surface of the ground, panting TRAPPED IN THE ABYSS 145

as they exchanged thanks and congratulations with their rescuers.

“And now explain one thing, genius boy,” Bud begged. “What happened to our repelatrons just before we crashed?”

“I have a hunch this area around the crevasse is loaded with the hydrogen compound,” Tom explained, “that we detected on our last moon trip. Our donkeys weren’t set to repel it.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor