Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

“Okay,” Tom said. “Let’s get busy, fellows.”

Hot, dejected, and streaming with perspiration, the crewmen once again disassembled the solartron and power gatherers. Fortunately, when they dressed to emerge from the dome, the air-conditioning equipment in their space suits afforded them some relief.

Ted was taken to the cave first. Bud flew the engineer’s inert form on a flying donkey. The others loaded the equipment onto the platforms, and transported it to the new site. The energy


collectors and the dome itself were more d iff cult to move, but these too were finally shifted and installed in place.

With the solartron in operation, the dome soon filled with a livable air supply.

By skillfully adjusting the condensing system on the matter maker, Tom was able to heat the air to a comfortable temperature. Wearily the crewmen doffed their space suits and relaxed. Then Tom made several types of simple food which Chow proceeded to concoct into fairly tasty dishes.

“Not bad, old-timer,” Bud approved as everyone ate the meal with a hearty appetite. “The way my stomach was feeling that tasted almost as good as a steak!”

Chow smiled, pleased at the compliment, but added, “Don’t thank me. Thank Tom. If ‘twarn’t for his contraption there, we wouldn’t have no grub at all!”

The men soon fell asleep, exhausted by their grueling activities. At last only Tom remained awake. The young inventor was torn with anxiety, not only for Ted and his father, but for the safety of his whole crew.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor