Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

not only for the right elements, but the right isotope of each element.”

With the proper controls adjusted, Tom swiveled the radiator antennas into position for ground thrust and fed power to the repelatrons. Like a silver asteroid, the Challenger soared upward into the blue!

“This is known as a bouncing-ball takeoff,” Bud wisecracked to the girls.

“Seriously, that’s just about what happens,” Tom added. “The repelatron force rays push us away from the earth-or whatever object we aim at-just like a ball on the rebound.”

As the earth fell away below them, the passengers crowded to the view windows. Fearing Island was a mere speck on the blue-green waters of the ocean. Through the lowlying blankets of mist, every detail of the Atlantic coast line was revealed.

“Tom, it’s amazing to think how far science has progressed,” said Mr. Swift gravely. “Not so long ago, people laughed at the possibility of space flight, and who knows what marvels lie ahead!”

Soon the roundness of the earth began to show in the curvature of the horizon. Off to the east, the travelers could make out the shore lines of Europe.

“An angel’s-eye view!” murmured Phyl.

With the earth left well behind, Tom set a steady course for the space station, then lounged back in his pilot’s seat. “Look! No hands!” He chuckled.


“Why, it’s flying itself!” Sandy exclaimed. “Tom, this ship’s a dream!”

“Shucks, you ain’t seen nothin’!” Chow bragged. “Jest wait’ll you see how I scoot around up here in my li’l ole jet-propelled space suit!”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor