Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

“Man, what a sight!” cheered one of the crew who had gathered to watch the experiment.

“Space-age windjammer, that’s us!” Bud quipped.

“They really are like sails,” Tom remarked. “Only instead of using wind, they’ll be drawing power from the-”

His words ended in a gasp as one of the collectors suddenly billowed out of shape and began fluttering wildly in the void.

“Skipper, what’s wrong?” cried out Arv, clutching Tom by the arm.

“I don’t know, but I’d better find out pronto!”

Donning his space suit hastily, Tom rushed out through the air lock and propelled himself off the landing platform with his jet pistol. The others watched through the view panes.

They saw the young inventor streak toward the billowing energy collector. He reached it and began skimming along its surface, evidently try-MESSAGE FROM NOWHERE 111

ing to find out what was causing the trouble. Suddenly the framework of foil tubing began to rip loose from the cell leaves!

“Good night! The whole thing’s coming apart!” Bud cried out.

Like waving tentacles, the tubes and wiring began to envelop Tom. He was trapped like a fish in a net! His comrades saw him struggle desperately to free himself from the tangle.

“Brand my octopus stew, he’s all roped an’ hog-tied!” Chow babbled. “Quick!

Someone get me my space suit! I’m goin’ out there an’ save him!”

“And I’m going with you!” Bud added. “Take over the controls, Arv!”

The copilot scrambled down to the hangar deck, and Chow was close behind him. But by the time they had climbed into their space suits and emerged through the air lock, they saw Tom returning safely to the ship.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor