Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

The boys, who had known Mr. Swift was working on a mysterious project of his own, were eager to hear more. The scientist explained that he was developing a plan to fuse the tiny particles of cosmic dust in space into a mass large enough to form an “island in the sky.”

“If my plan works,” he told the others, “it will enable us to form space platforms or asteroids anywhere in the solar system.”

“What a setup!” Bud burst out. “Why, with space islands like that, we could set up way stations en route to every planet!”

“Exactly.” Mr. Swift nodded. “Even more im—


portant, the technique would give our country a most valuable means of controlling space in the interests of peace.”

“You’re right, Dad,” said Tom, deeply impressed. “That’s the most important goal we can aim for.”

During the next two days, Tom began work on his second matter maker.

Besides being much more powerful and efficient than his first machine, the new model would be able to produce many other elements besides oxygen.

“How soon will it be finished?” asked Sandy eagerly, as she watched her brother wire the electronic control panel.

Before answering, Tom ran off a quick series of calculations on one of his amazing miniature computers which Bud had dubbed “Little Idiots.” Then he jotted down a correction on his blueprints.

“The design’s complete right now, Sis,” he replied. “However, the castings and some of the larger parts will have to be made back at Enterprises. The energy collectors to provide power for the machine are being made there, too.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor