Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

“You don’t look exactly overjoyed,” Ted remarked. “This rates a cheer, doesn’t it?”

Tom grinned wryly. “The machine works, if that’s what you mean. But at this rate of production, it wouldn’t do us much good on the moon or on a space cruise.”

“How come?” asked Bud. “Too slow?”

“Way too slow,” Tom said. “It’s the same old problem-not enough power.

Which means our real test run will have to wait until Arv gets those energy collectors finished.”

Tom concluded his experiments by trying to make two more elements needed in food or fuel compounds-hydrogen and nitrogen. Since hydrogen gas is highly combustible, Tom throttled down the machine so as to produce only a small amount. However, the results showed clearly that, the solartron could generate either kind of gas in large quantities.

“My congratulations, son!” said Mr. Swift, after hearing Tom’s report. “On the basis of this first test, I feel certain that your machine’s performance will be up to all expectations when the energy collectors are ready. Meanwhile, perhaps.


you fellows would like to help on my cosmic dust project?”

Tom, Bud, and Ted were eager to do so. Acting on Mr. Swift’s instructions, they rigged a powerful set of electrodes on the hub of the space wheel. The elder scientist busied himself setting up a special wave-generating apparatus inside the station.

When the setup was complete, Mr. Swift closed a switch, beaming out an ultrahigh-frequency ionization ray. The boys checked the electrodes every few minutes. Bit by bit, the cosmic dust particles began to build up around the positive electrode. By the time Chow sounded the dinner gong, the particles had formed a stone, possessing a metallic luster and looking somewhat like a small meteorite.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor