Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron


1 More Power!

2 Sizzling Metal

3 The Mysterious Caller

4 Danger Zone

5 Exciting Plans

6 A Night of Peril

7 Antitruth Serum

8 Space Outpost

9 Blackout!

10 Lariat Lifeline

11 A Startling Disappearance

12 Message from Nowhere

13 The Secret Formula

14 Moon Search

15 The Half-Buried Rocket

16 Trapped in the Abyss

17 Surprise Missile

18 A Strange Capture

19 Flag of Truce

20 A Race to the Rescue



“Calling Tom Swift!”

“Power failure in the wind tunnel!”

“Hey, the presses have stopped in the metal-stamping department.”

Excited voices blared out over the loud-speaker in Tom Swift’s private laboratory at Swift Enterprises’ vast experimental station. The telephone was jangling shrilly. A lanky, blond youth of eighteen with deep-set blue eyes switched off his experimental equipment and scooped up the receiver.

“Tom Jr. speaking.”

“For Pete’s sake, take it easy, skipper!” gasped a voice at the other end of the line. “You’ve popped the main circuit breaker!”

“The load’s off,” Tom reported. “I just stopped my experiment.”

As he hung up, a husky dark-haired youth burst into the laboratory. “Hey, what’s going on,


genius boy?” Bud Barclay demanded. “Are you trying to sabotage this place?”

Tom grinned wryly. “Relax, Bud. I was just running a test on my new matter-making machine. I arranged with the power plant to cut in the stand-by generator, but even that wasn’t enough to handle the current load.”

Bud slumped down on a lab stool and mopped his forehead. “Whew! I thought someone was blowing up the joint! Even the radio tower started to-”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor