Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

“Mr. Swift?”

“Right here,” said the scientist. “But there’s no use searching for the car owner here. He just got away with the aid of a confederate.”

Tom gave the sergeant in charge a meager description of the getaway car, remarking that he thought from the sound of the motor it was a two-year-old Renser. Meanwhile, another officer was radioing word to additional scout cars, as well as to the state police.

“We’ll have all roads blocked,” the sergeant said. “With luck, we may still pick those men up. We’ll have the wrecked car towed off and keep it for evidence.”

Fortunately, in spite of a crumpled front end, leaking radiator and no lights, Bud’s convertible was still in operating condition.

“It’ll get us to Enterprises, if the police will let me follow you, Tom,” he said.

After getting


the sergeant’s permission, he cried, “Let’s go!”

In a few minutes they arrived at the experimental station and drove to the airstrip where a helicopter was warmed up and waiting.

“Now don’t worry,” Ted soothed his mother. “You’re doing the right thing.”

“All right, Teddy.” She sighed, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “But do take care of yourself.”

“And I’ll take care of Mom!” Ray promised.

“That’s the spirit!” Tom said, as the youngster shook hands with everyone.

The two passengers were helped aboard the helicopter-Ray filled with excitement at his first whirlybird flight. Moments later, the craft soared aloft and disappeared northward into the night sky.

“Guess I’ll have to leave my car here overnight till I get that radiator fixed,”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor