Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

“That means we go back to Shopton?” put in Bud.

Tom nodded. “The girls and you and I leave tomorrow. I’ll radio ahead so work can be started on these other parts immediately. The blueprints can be televised.”

Next day, the four young people took off in the Challenger. “Too bad we have to leave all


those handsome outpost engineers behind.” Sandy sighed and gave Phyl a mischievous twinkle.

Bud winked at Tom. “Lucky thing we’re taking the girls home, skipper, before they get spoiled completely.”

Tom chuckled. “Good idea for us to see that they get their feet back on the ground!”

As soon as the Challenger landed, Tom and his friends took off for Shopton.

The young inventor hurried to consult Arv Hanson about progress on the energy collectors.

Arv shook his head grimly. “Sorry, skipper, we’ve had bad luck. The printing plates we made for the luxium and conductate leaves were mysteriously damaged. It may have been sabotage!”



TOM was startled. “Did you report the damaged plates to Harlan Ames?”

“Sure,” Arv replied. “Security got on the job right away. They dusted the cracked plates for fingerprints, but there were none. Evidently the plates had been knocked off a shelf. They were badly scratched and marred. Security also looked for fingerprints in the whole working area, but all they found were mine and those of the other fellows assisting me on the job.”

“Then there are no clues?” Tom asked.

Arv hesitated. “Well, Amby Lintner suggested one possible explanation.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor