Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron


“Okay,” Tom said, after glancing at his atmosphere meter to check the pressure. “Shuck your suits again and take it easy, fellows.”

Two men, however, went outside to recheck the dome. The others lounged in sitting positions, or sprawled comfortably. Bert Everett suggested to Tom that they try contacting the Challenger by high-powered radio. The sets that they had been using in their space suits were of very low power.

Tom frowned thoughtfully. “Let’s wait a while, Bert. If Doc and the others are safe, we should hear from them soon. On the other hand, if our enemy has captured the Challenger, a call now might give them a chance to trick us or pick up some useful information.”

Arv nodded. “I agree, skipper. If the kidnapers are aboard, they’d give us a phony reply.”

“I don’t know about the rest of you,” Bud put in, “but I could sure use a drink of water. How about putting your matter maker to work on that, Tom?”

“Sure thing, pal.”

Tom adjusted the element and isotope controls. Soon the machine was pumping out a steady stream of water. The men lined up for a drink.

“Boy, does that taste good!” said Bud, wiping his mouth. “Now, what’s next on the agenda?”

“Another survey outside,” replied Tom, climbing into his suit. “There might be some clue around that we’ve missed.”


The boys had just stepped from the dome when Bud yelled: “Tom! Look!” He pointed at the sky.

A silvery missile was streaking toward them. It appeared to be headed straight toward the dome!

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Categories: Appleton, Victor