Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

Suddenly the intercom buzzed. “I’ve picked up something, skipper!” the radarman reported. “Looks like a rocket ship, dead ahead!”

The news electrified the crew. Within minutes Arv had sighted the craft by telescope, and soon it became visible through the pilots’ windows.

“That’s it!” Ted cried out. “I’m sure that’s our enemy’s rocket!”

Tom flicked on the radio and spoke into his microphone. “Swift ship Challenger calling


nearby rocket! This is Tom Swift Jr. speaking! … Swift to nearby rocket! …

Come in, please!”

His call was followed by silence. Tom tried several frequencies but still got no response.

“They’re playing possum,” Bud muttered.

Tom nodded grimly, maintaining his course straight toward the enemy.

Suddenly a rocket port opened in the ship’s side. There was a burst of smoke and flame as a missile came streaking toward the Challenger!

“They’re firing at us!” Bud yelled.

Tom’s hand shot toward the control panel, tuning up the antimeteor repelatron to full power. Instantly the missile was held immobile by the ship’s force wave! Losing momentum, it plunged out of orbit, eventually to burn up in the earth’s atmosphere.

“Terrific, skipper!” Ted cheered, as the crew joined in.

Again the enemy rocket spurted flame, and other missiles followed. All rebounded harmlessly from the Challenger’s invisible shield. To ensure ample protection against the barrage, Tom brought two of his main repelatron radiators into play. At last the firing ceased.

“Looks as though they’re giving up!” Bud chuckled.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor