Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

“Of course I know that,” Ted assured him. He sat down on his bunk and started to take off his shoes. “Listen, Bud, there’s no need for you to get so mad.

The Swifts treated Mother and me more than generously, and we have no complaints. Our only feeling about the crash was our sorrow at losing Dad.”

Bud paced about the room, still red-faced and angry. “But don’t you see, Ted-Hampshire is up to something crooked and he’s trying to mix you up in it!”

“Well, he’s wasting his time.” Ted stood up in his bare feet, yawned, and started to change into his pajamas. “If Hampshire is trying to pull me into some crooked deal, I’m having no part of it.



The police will pick him up sooner or later. Now let’s get some shut-eye.”

Bud calmed down considerably, and soon both boys fell asleep. Next morning, however, the husky young copilot was still disturbed by the mysterious phone call. After a hasty breakfast of bacon and eggs in the mess hall, he hurried over to the infirmary to report the situation to Tom.

“Hampshire’s a phony all right,” Tom agreed, after hearing the story. He chewed thoughtfully on an apple from his breakfast tray. “But I still don’t see what his game is. Why did he want to know when the Journal is going to press?”

Bud shrugged and hitched his chair closer. “Look, Tom. What worries me is that crack he made about the elevators. You remember the investigation showed that none of the servo units had been tampered with.”

Tom nodded. “Sure. And I also remember the findings of the official report.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor