Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

“How do we stamp the luxium and conductate on the plastic leaves?” asked Arv.

Tom explained that each pair of leaves would bear a number of tiny cells laid out in “dot-and-dash” pattern. The pattern for each leaf would first be photographed from a drawing, then printed in varnish on the metal-coated plastic.

The leaf would then be soaked in a chemical bath, leaving only the dot-and-dash pattern of metal on the plastic.

“One leaf would have the luxium pattern, and the other leaf would have the conductate pattern,” Tom went on, sketching out each pattern in pencil. “So when we press the two leaves together, they’ll form a powerful compound electric cell.”

“And your energy collector will have a whole flock of these twin-leaf cells, supported by a framework of foil tubing,” Arv concluded.


“Exactly. It should generate an enormous flow of current.”

Arv scratched his head. “Sounds like quite a job, skipper.”

Tom grinned. “I’m sure you can handle it.”

“It’s an amazing idea,” commented Mr. Swift, who had listened with keen attention to his son’s explanation. “I think it should solve your problem, Tom. And also-”


All three looked up to see a cascade of bottles and models tumbling from the case of shelves near the door. At almost the same instant the office door slammed shut.

“Someone was hiding behind those shelves!” Tom cried out. “And listening to every word we said!”



JUMPING up from their chairs, Tom, Arv, and Mr. Swift rushed out to the corridor. But there was no sign of the mysterious eavesdropper.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor