Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron


aboard, we can chase that saucer clear across the solar system if we have to!”

After snapping out orders over the intercom, Tom hurried to the flight compartment. He set the controls of the Challenger for the required rate of acceleration and the ship streaked off in pursuit of the rescue craft. Their speed increased at fifty feet per second per second.

After two hours, the Challenger was approximately in the position that Mr.

Swift’s rocket had been when Tom had begun the pursuit.

“Dad’s about eighty thousand miles straight ahead,” he said to Bud. “Right now our speed is seventy miles per second. “We’ll have to start slowing down, so we’ll be going the same speed he is when we catch up to him.”

“I get it,” the copilot said, then added quizzically, “Better not put on the brakes all at once, chum!”

Tom grinned. “Don’t worry. I’m decelerating now-by degrees.”

The young inventor took time out to radio Ken Horton at the outpost and inform him of the latest developments.

“That’s great news,” said Horton. “Best of luck, Tom. We’ll be waiting further word from you. By the way, I have some news from Enterprises.”

The outpost commander went on, “Ames says to tell you that they’ve nailed the person who tampered with the papers for the Journal while they were on Miss Warner’s desk.”


“Who was it?”

“Some new employee named Amberson Lintner. Ames says this Amby has been taken into custody and that Miss Warner is in a state of collapse over her carelessness in the office and her friendship with him.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor