Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

“Perhaps I should try calling the Challenger now,” Tom decided. Switching on his suit radio, he spoke into the microphone:

“Tom calling the Challenger! … Tom calling Challenger! … Come in, please!”

Repeated efforts brought no response. After half an hour, Tom gave up and turned off the set. Glumly he stared out of the cave opening.


A few moments later he gasped. A huge boxlike spaceship, enclosed in gleaming rails, was sailing into view across the sky!

“The Challenger!” Tom yelled. Pulling on his space suit in frantic haste, he emerged from the dome and rushed out of the cave.

Tom waved his arms wildly, hoping to attract attention. At the same time, he signaled repeatedly over his mike. Bud and the others, awakened by his yell, joined him just in time to see the spaceship pass out of sight beyond the towering mountain peaks.

“She’s g-g-gone!” Chow wailed dismally.

The same frightening thoughts ran through every mind. Had they lost their only chance of rescue? Also, was the Challenger perhaps now under the command of their mysterious enemy, who intended to abandon them to their fate?



TOM clenched his jaw grimly, trying not to show despair as he met the dismayed looks of his comrades. “Let’s not jump to conclusions,” he said.


He broke off as a new thought struck him. “Wait a minute!” Tom cried. “I was radioing the ship before it appeared. Could be my battery’s run down and the signal didn’t carry. Try your set, Bud!”

The copilot hastily complied. “Bud Barclay calling the Challenger! Can you read me? …. Barclay to Challenger! Come in, please.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor