Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

Mr. Swift gave her a reassuring hug. “You may have a point there, Mary-we’ll check. Switch on all the yard lights, Tom.”

“Right, Dad. I’ll turn Caesar and Brutus loose, too. They’ll certainly let us know if anyone’s lurking around!”

The two bloodhounds were kenneled outside. Besides being the Swift family pets, they were also highly trained watchdogs.

Tom pressed a master switch, controlling a number of spotlights concealed in the shrubbery. Instantly the house and grounds were bathed in a brilliant radiance.

Then he and Bud hurried out to open the kennel. With eager yelps, the two bloodhounds came loping out. They ambled about, lifting their heads occasionally to sniff the night air, but gave no sign of detecting any unfamiliar scents.

“All clear,” Tom reported. “Let’s get going!”

The trip to Ted Spring’s house was completed without incident. The others waited outside while Ted went in to tell his mother and brother about moving to Ames’s cottage, and help pack for the trip. Tom had parked his low-slung sports car at the curb behind Bud’s red convertible. Minutes later, Ted emerged from the house alone, looking anxious and worried.


“What about your mother and Ray?” asked Mr. Swift. “Nothing wrong, is there?”

“They won’t come,” Ted reported. “Mother says she feels safer right here in her own home.”

“That’s natural, I suppose,” said Mr. Swift, “but in this case I strongly believe it would be better for her to follow our plan.”

“I’ve tried to convince her, sir. Would you talk to her, please? I’m sure she’ll listen to you.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor