Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 22 – And His Repelatron Skyway

“How does she look, skipper?” Hank asked.

“Great, Hank-in fact, terrific!” Tom answered. “I think I’ll radio Princetown and offer Kwanu and his staff a preview of the skyway.”

The official was delighted at Tom’s invitation.


When the Flying Lab arrived at the Princetown airport next morning, several Ngombian dignitaries were on hand for the flight. They gasped with excitement as the skyway came into view, arching above the jungle treetops. Tom listened with a pleased smile to their glowing comments.

“Incredible!” Kwanu declared. “My dear Tom Swift, your engineering genius is even beyond what we had heard!”

When they landed back at Princetown, he asked the young inventor how soon the skyway would be complete. After Tom had named a date, Kwanu said, “The country will declare a national celebration on the day the skyway is ready for use!”

Tom returned to Imbolu, then air-hopped by atomicar to his camp at the western “end of track.” Another half-mile span had already been added in the short time since Kwanu’s inspection tour.

“Won’t be long now, pal!” Bud told him.

Tom nodded proudly and glanced at the sky, which was clouding over. “Maybe those fancy lightning rods will get a tryout sooner than I expected,” he remarked. “Let’s hope things won’t be held up tomorrow if it does rain.”

The young inventor pushed construction harder than ever that afternoon in case of a possible delay. By nightfall, after a hearty meal of Chow’s broiled steak and roast potatoes, Tom was only too glad to tumble onto his cot. Within moments he was deep in slumber.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor