Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 22 – And His Repelatron Skyway

“Did your secretary go with him?” Tom asked in alarm.

“Of course.”

“What did the man look like?” Tom went on anxiously.

Kwanu seemed puzzled by Tom’s questions, but answered, “He was tall, slender, dark-haired. Also, he had a large forehead and a pointed chin.”

Tom flushed with anger. “I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but that man is an impostor. He’s responsible for the delay in meeting you.”

Hastily Tom recounted what had happened to him, and apologized for his disheveled appearance.

“The whole thing was obviously a plot to get me out of the way so that you or your secretary could be kidnapped.”

The two attendants were greatly upset by the news, but Kwanu remained calm. Tom notified the airport guards and called the police. An investigation proceeded quickly.

The airport parking-lot attendant recalled seeing a colorfully garbed foreigner, carrying a briefcase, accompanied by two men who appeared to be Americans. One of them answered the de-20 REPELATRON SKYWAY

scription of Tom’s assailant. The three had driven off in a dark-blue convertible.

The police sergeant in charge immediately sent out a radio alert to set up roadblocks. Tom volunteered to scout from the air in his atomicar for the kidnapper’s automobile. Kwanu and his two attendants insisted upon coming with him.

For half an hour they skimmed and circled over the highways leading from the airport. Suddenly Tom sighted a figure in a striped toga lying near the roadside on a dirt turnoff. He landed and they hurried toward the prostrate form.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor