Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 22 – And His Repelatron Skyway

faster-moving animals. A frantic ride through the darkness followed.

Suddenly Bud pointed to the sky and cried, “Look! Slim has spotted them!”

A luminous arrow was taking shape over the forest. Guided by it, the dinosaur riders crashed through the jungle. As they approached the skyway, a glow of light became visible through the trees. Men with lanterns and guns were at work in one of the transmitter clearings! The saboteurs gaped as the beasts and their riders burst into view.

“It’s Tom Swift!” one cried out. “Get him!”

A hail of bullets greeted the riders!



TOM and his companions ducked behind their mounts, and the wildly aimed bullets took little effect. Tough-hided, and with only simple nervous systems, the beasts were almost impossible to bring down.

Seconds after the first volley of shots, the dinosaurs were bearing down on the saboteurs. The huge creatures were frightened and enraged by the loud, stinging gunfire. They reared and plunged, spreading panic with their trampling hoofs and fearsome jaws. The enemy raiders fled in terror, tossing away their guns.

“Don’t let them escape!” Tom shouted, jumping from his mount. Bud and Mbonga followed.

The three dashed after the fleeing saboteurs. Tom caught up to a thickset man, the leader. He grabbed the man’s shoulder and yanked him around. Hans Macklin!

“So you’re the sneak who’s been behind all our



troubles!” Tom swung a furious roundhouse punch at his enemy’s jaw.

Macklin staggered and fought back, snarling like a leopard at bay. Bud, meanwhile, had gone for Kroker, whose oddly wedge-shaped face had made him recognizable. The husky flier with a single blow sent Kroker reeling backward.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor