Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 22 – And His Repelatron Skyway

Suddenly the old man stopped and glared at Tom. “That is another reason why your highway must never be built! What would happen to these dumb, helpless beasts if the jungle is opened to civilization and ignorant fools stream in?”

Tom said, “A game preserve could be set aside for your animals. No hunters-”

“Do you think I believe that?” Eldreth shouted. “For years I was hounded and ridiculed. Only Mbonga helped me carry on my work. Tom Swift, no one is going to destroy the results of our efforts!”

The old man’s eyes glowed fanatically. Mbonga, the giant, seemed to realize the professor was becoming irrational.

“Master, please not talk more!” he begged. “Come back to-”

Mbonga’s words were cut short by a crack of lightning. The bolt struck a tree nearby, splitting it wide open. The four watchers were dazed by the compression wave from the lightning.

Before they could recover, the shattered tree came crashing down, the upper end striking


Mbonga and pinning him underneath! Professor Eldreth gave a cry of grief and rushed to his servant.

“Now’s our chance! Let’s go!” Bud tugged Tom’s arm and ran toward the stockade wall.

“No, Bud! Wait!” Tom called. “We can’t go and leave the poor fellow like this!”

Bud ran back. “You’re right.”

The youths hoisted the tree sufficiently for Eldreth to drag Mbonga free. They carried him into the bungalow and laid him on a cot.

The servant’s scalp was gashed, but apparently he had suffered no broken bones.

Tom assisted in treating the cut and sponging Mbonga’s forehead. Presently his eyes opened.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor