Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 22 – And His Repelatron Skyway

Instantly a surge of powerful, throbbing music swelled through the jungle clearing.

The tribesmen fell back-eyes popping. They stared at Tom, then all about the village and upward at the treetops, as if expecting the invisible drummers to materialize out of nowhere.

As the drums continued, accompanied by the sound of native flutes and gourd rattles, the Wangurus were caught up in the irresistible rhythm. They began dancing around, chanting, waving


their spears, and stomping. Soon a circle of prancing natives formed around Tom, Chow, and Akomo. When the music ended, they hailed the young inventor with shouts and cheers.

“They say you are most powerful juju man in all the forest!” Akomo reported proudly.

“Brand my musical pots and pans, you showed that medicine man a thing or two!”

Chow added.

The witch doctor had shrunk back, his face contorted with jealousy. Tom decided that now was a chance to win him over. After explaining to Hank, Tom went over to the wizard and offered to teach him how to use the “grigri.”

“It is a radio,” he said. “A kind of charm.”

At first the witch doctor looked as if he could hardly believe Tom would lend him such a powerful charm. He listened eagerly as the young inventor showed him how to work the set and said he had once seen a big radio. Holding the “pencil,” he stepped forward and shouted that he, too, would call up the invisible drums.

“Drums, play!” he spoke into the tiny microphone, then turned up the receiver control the way Tom had shown him. Once again the powerful music throbbed through the village, and the tribesmen repeated their wild dance.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor