Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 22 – And His Repelatron Skyway

As it emerged from the shadow of the trees, Tom sucked in his breath. Something about the creature had stirred a suspicion in his mind. But before he could speak, a flash of brilliant light blinded the boys momentarily.

The next second there was a deafening outburst of shrieks, hoots, and yells!

Figures burst from the trees and shrubbery!

Voices cried, “Did you see Tom’s and Bud’s



faces?” … “Man, oh man! They jell for that one all right!”

Tom and Bud were still blinking and gaping when another flash bulb exploded. As the boys’ eyes adjusted to the glare, they saw half a dozen of their teen-age pals surrounding them-roaring with laughter!

“Rock Harriman!” Bud groaned as he spotted the pudgy figure of Shopton High’s all-star tackle. Rock was famous for his practical jokes. “We should have known!”

Meanwhile, the “monster” was coming apart. It turned out to be two youths in a masquerade horse costume. A long papier-mache neck and dinosaur head had been mounted over it.

“Dick Hempstead and Harry Ellers!” Tom chuckled ruefully as he recognized them.

“I thought that tiny head and long neck looked familiar, but I couldn’t place the hind legs.”

Rock waved his camera triumphantly. “Boy, just wait’ll I develop these pictures of you guys!” he crowed. “I think I’ll send the first one to the newspapers-a follow-up to that ‘Boy Meets Dinosaur’ story!”

Bud’s face reddened. “Okay, okay-don’t rub it in. I suppose you were the wise guy who called me at the yacht club, too?”

“Yup. The whole thing was a stroke of genius, if I do say so myself.” Rock and his cohorts gave Way to another outburst of mirth.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor