Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 22 – And His Repelatron Skyway

Finally the incantation ended. The tribesmen seemed astonished that the two white men still appeared unharmed and unshaken.

After retiring to his hut again, the village wizard reappeared, minus his hood and other paraphernalia. “Uoshu and Sho-sho-go speak to me.” He held up five fingers.

“They say you have this many days to live. Then you must go ‘way from forest-or you and all your men will die!”

Turning to the villagers, the witch doctor repeated his prophecy in the native tongue.

“Okay. Now it’s my turn,” Tom said. He added to Akomo, “Tell them I’m going to conjure up some powerful drums out of the air-drums that no one can see. The drums will make music to celebrate our coming, because our work will bring good things to all the people of Ngombia.”


“What in tarnation you aimin’ to do, boss?” Chow asked.

“Watch and see.” Tom took out an object that looked like a silver pocket pencil but was actually a small, powerful two-way radio. “Keep your fingers crossed,” he muttered, “and let’s hope we can get enough volume at this range.”

Flicking on the set, Tom held the head of the “pencil” close to his mouth. “Tom calling Queen… . Come in, please.”

Soon Hank Sterling answered. “Queen to Tom… . What’s up, skipper?”

“Can’t explain now, Hank. Get that tape recording I made of the big intertribal dance at Leopold-ville when we came to find the caves of nuclear fire. Hook it up all ready to play.”

“Roger.” Then, a few moments later, Hank said, “All set, skipper.”

Tom responded loudly, “Drums play I” and hastily tuned the receiver to full volume.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor