Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 22 – And His Repelatron Skyway

Tom went on to explain that just above this, inside the column, was the electronic apparatus of the repelatron itself.

“The rays which support the highway,” Tom continued, “will be beamed out through this fan-like opening at the top. They’ll sweep back and forth thousands of times per second-spreading out in a wide enough arc to support a half-mile span of the highway.”

“What about these tubes sticking out on each side of the unit?” Hank put in.

“They’ll project rays to the right and left of the highway. And these rays will be reflected back toward the highway, so as to lock it rigidly in position and keep the span from swaying from side to side.”

“How are the rays reflected?” Arv asked.

Tom produced another set of drawings. “By means of these twin-horned reflectors.

They’ll be bracketed to trees that have been trimmed.”

The sweep beams, Tom concluded, would support the highway at an elevation of over two hundred feet-enough to clear the highest trees.

“A real jungle skyway!” Hank said admiringly.

Tom grinned. “That gives me an idea, Hank-let’s call this a repelatron skyway.”

“Good name. We’ll get right to work on these transmitter units.”


Meanwhile, Tom went off to the hangar to convert one of his graphicopters for the road-laying operation. The foam plastic would be pumped out through a road-width slot along the base of the copter’s storage tank.

Chow, who had come in, watched Tom weld a part of the graphicopter assembly in place. He asked about the newfangled road layer.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor