Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 22 – And His Repelatron Skyway

“Nice going, pal,” Bud congratulated Tom as he climbed back aboard.

“You haven’t seen anything yet!”

After completing the whole span, Tom steered the graphicopter in a downward glide to pave a sloping approach to the skyway. Then he landed, climbed into the cab of a heavy truck, and began driving it up the ramp. The paving was already 112 REPELATRON SKYWAY

solid! The onlookers gaped and broke into loud applause as they saw the truck reach the top of the ramp and continue out along the roadway, floating more than two hundred feet in the air! Tom waved down to the spectators jubilantly.

Later that afternoon, when the demonstration was over, Tom made a number of other strength tests of his skyway before dismantling it. He was interrupted as his father came speeding up in a jeep. Mr. Swift looked rather stunned.

“Tom, I’ve just seen something incredible!” he gasped. “Please come back to your lab with me at once!”



“WHAT’S wrong, Dad?” Tom inquired eagerly.

“Son, in view of all the hubbub over Bud’s dinosaur, I won’t even try to describe the-the – Well, I prefer you to see this with your own eyes.”

“Let’s go!” Tom climbed into his father’s jeep and they sped off toward the building which housed the young inventor’s private laboratory.

When they arrived, Mr. Swift led the way to a storeroom on the first floor. He flung open the door, then turned to watch his son’s reaction.

Tom gasped. Enormous brown worms-the size of huge snakes and as thick as a man’s wrist-were wriggling and slithering about the shelves and over the equipment stacked on the floor!

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Categories: Appleton, Victor