Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 22 – And His Repelatron Skyway

Tom was at the controls as the ship streaked southeastward across the Atlantic.

Bud, having been up all night supervising the tune-up, was asleep in a bunk. Serving as copilot was Hank Sterling, the blond, square-jawed chief engineer of Enterprises. Chow Winkler had come forward to join them in the flight compartment.

All three stiffened in shock as a bloodcurdling scream suddenly sounded over the intercom.

“He-e-elp!” cried a terrified voice. “Gel this monster away from me!”



“IT’S Bud!” Tom exclaimed. He unhooked his safety belt and sprang from the pilot’s seat. “Take over, Hank, while I go see what’s wrong!”

Tom dashed aft through the passageway, with Chow waddling excitedly at his heels.

When they reached the crew’s bunkroom, the two stopped short in astonishment. Bud was flattened on a wall bunk, staring up at one of the weirdest creatures the boys or Chow had ever seen!

The tiny beast was perched on the pillow just above Bud’s head. It was leaning forward with its long bony fingers on Bud’s temples while it peered down hypnotically into the boy’s eyes.

“Great hoppin’ horned toads!” Chow gasped. “What kind o’ critter is that?”

The animal, small enough to nestle in a man’s hand, had brownish fur and a long tail. As Chow spoke, it looked up at the two newcomers.

“Good grief!” Tom murmured. “Head lamps for eyes!”



Its huge orange eyes, with pinpoint pupils, seemed to take up most of the creature’s face. Large, batlike ears made it look even queerer.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor