Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 22 – And His Repelatron Skyway

“Your secretary is unconscious but still alive,” Tom announced, after checking the victim’s pulse.

“His briefcase is gone!” Kwanu exclaimed. “It contained full details of the project on which I came to consult you!”



KWANU’S two attendants searched frantically, but could not find the briefcase. Over the atomicar radio Tom notified the police and summoned an ambulance. When it arrived, an intern examined the secretary.

“He has been chloroformed,” the intern said. “Should come out of it soon, though.”

Tom and his guests followed the ambulance to the Shopton Hospital. Here Tom himself was examined by a doctor for signs of concussion. Apparently the blow he had received had resulted in nothing more than a swollen bruise.

The young inventor hurried to the room where Kwanu’s secretary, Mr. Wumbe, had been taken. By this time he had recovered consciousness. Police Chief Slater and Harlan Ames had arrived to hear his story.

“I left the terminal with the man who claimed to be the Swifts’ representative,” the secretary re-21


lated. “Another man was waiting for us near the parking lot. I asumed he was to be our driver, but instead he climbed into the back seat, while I was invited to sit in front.”

After driving along a paved highway, Mr. Wumbe went on, the impostor had turned up a dirt road, stopped the car, and pulled a gun.

“He ordered me to hand over the briefcase. Suddenly the man in back grabbed me and held a cloth over my nose. That is all I remember.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor