Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 22 – And His Repelatron Skyway

The huge native slung the boys like saddlebags across the back of one of the smaller beasts. Then he clambered nimbly up the ridged tail and spine of a lizardlike monster that reared on two legs. Straddling its back, the giant grabbed a rope tied around its neck. With another yell he thumped the creature with fist and heels, and the animals started off.

The beasts lumbered along at a speed surprising for their size. Other dinosaurs joined them as they passed the wrecked camp, and the herd headed northward into the darkness.



To Tom and Bud the journey was like a nightmare. They were buffeted by every movement of the ponderous animal, and slashed by jungle growth.

Presently Tom realized they must be fording a river as water splashed high on every side. Then the beasts emerged onto dry land again, and the trek continued. To add to the eerie atmosphere, a gale began to blow, heralding another storm.

At last the weird procession arrived at a stockade enclosure. The giant dismounted, untied the two boys, and propelled them roughly into the stockade. Then he herded his beasts inside and barred the gate.

Tom guessed that the enclosure must cover several acres. Just ahead stood several outbuildings and a lighted bungalow. A bearded man came out and strode toward the boys.

Tom gasped. This was the same old man who had uttered the warning about vengeance.

“Professor Eldreth?” Tom asked coolly.

The elderly man stopped short and regarded Tom with piercing eyes. “You know me?”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor