Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

truth stands as independent before you as if they were three

hundred Cockers all regulated by the Gospel according to

themselves. There are in existence three artists’ funds, which

ought never to be mentioned without respect. I am an officer of

one of them, and can speak from knowledge; but on this occasion I

address myself to a case for which there is no provision. I

address you on behalf of those professors of the fine arts who have

made provision during life, and in submitting to you their claims I

am only advocating principles which I myself have always


When I add that this Benevolent Fund makes no pretensions to

gentility, squanders no treasure in keeping up appearances, that it

considers that the money given for the widow and the orphan, should

really be held for the widow and the orphan, I think I have

exhausted the case, which I desire most strenuously to commend to


Perhaps you will allow me to say one last word. I will not consent

to present to you the professors of Art as a set of helpless

babies, who are to be held up by the chin; I present them as an

energetic and persevering class of men, whose incomes depend on

their own faculties and personal exertions; and I also make so bold

as to present them as men who in their vocation render good service

to the community. I am strongly disposed to believe there are very

few debates in Parliament so important to the public welfare as a

really good picture. I have also a notion that any number of

bundles of the driest legal chaff that ever was chopped would be

cheaply expended for one really meritorious engraving. At a highly

interesting annual festival at which I have the honour to assist,

and which takes place behind two fountains, I sometimes observe

that great ministers of state and other such exalted characters

have a strange delight in rather ostentatiously declaring that they

have no knowledge whatever of art, and particularly of impressing

on the company that they have passed their lives in severe studies.

It strikes me when I hear these things as if these great men looked

upon the arts as a sort of dancing dogs, or Punch’s show, to be

turned to for amusement when one has nothing else to do. Now I

always take the opportunity on these occasions of entertaining my

humble opinion that all this is complete “bosh;” and of asserting

to myself my strong belief that the neighbourhoods of Trafalgar

Square, or Suffolk Street, rightly understood, are quite as

important to the welfare of the empire as those of Downing Street,

or Westminster Hall. Ladies and Gentlemen, on these grounds, and

backed by the recommendation of three hundred artists in favour of

the Benevolent Fund, I beg to propose its prosperity as a toast for

your adoption.


[With the “Christmas Carol” and “The Trial from Pickwick,” Mr.

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Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

Charles Dickens brought to a brilliant close the memorable series

of public readings which have for sixteen years proved to audiences

unexampled in numbers, the source of the highest intellectual

enjoyment. Every portion of available space in the building was,

of course, last night occupied some time before the appointed hour;

but could the St. James’s Hall have been specially enlarged for the

occasion to the dimensions of Salisbury Plain, it is doubtful

whether sufficient room would even then have been provided for all

anxious to seize the last chance of hearing the distinguished

novelist give his own interpretation of the characters called into

existence by his own creative pen. As if determined to convince

his auditors that, whatever reason had influenced his

determination, physical exhaustion was not amongst them, Mr.

Dickens never read with greater spirit and energy. His voice to

the last retained its distinctive clearness, and the transitions of

tone, as each personage in the story, conjured up by a word, rose

vividly before the eye, seemed to be more marvellous than ever.

The vast assemblage, hushed into breathless attention, suffered not

a syllable to escape the ear, and the rich humour and deep pathos

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Categories: Charles Dickens