Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

ejaculates “Good God, master, you are setting class against class!”

and then rushes off into the servants’ hall, and delivers a long

and melting oration on that wicked feeling.

I now come to the third objection, which is common among young

gentlemen who are not particularly fit for anything but spending

money which they have not got. It is usually comprised in the

observation, “How very extraordinary it is that these

Administrative Reform fellows can’t mind their own business.” I

think it will occur to all that a very sufficient mode of disposing

of this objection is to say, that it is our own business we mind

when we come forward in this way, and it is to prevent it from

being mismanaged by them. I observe from the Parliamentary debates

– which have of late, by-the-bye, frequently suggested to me that

there is this difference between the bull of Spain the bull of

Nineveh, that, whereas, in the Spanish case, the bull rushes at the

scarlet, in the Ninevite case, the scarlet rushes at the bull – I

have observed from the Parliamentary debates that, by a curious

fatality, there has been a great deal of the reproof valiant and

the counter-check quarrelsome, in reference to every case, showing

the necessity of Administrative Reform, by whomsoever produced,

whensoever, and wheresoever. I daresay I should have no difficulty

in adding two or three cases to the list, which I know to be true,

and which I have no doubt would be contradicted, but I consider it

a work of supererogation; for, if the people at large be not

already convinced that a sufficient general case has been made out

for Administrative Reform, I think they never can be, and they

never will be. There is, however, an old indisputable, very well

known story, which has so pointed a moral at the end of it that I

will substitute it for a new case: by doing of which I may avoid,

I hope, the sacred wrath of St. Stephen’s. Ages ago a savage mode

of keeping accounts on notched sticks was introduced into the Court

of Exchequer, and the accounts were kept, much as Robinson Crusoe

kept his calendar on the desert island. In the course of

considerable revolutions of time, the celebrated Cocker was born,

and died; Walkinghame, of the Tutor’s Assistant, and well versed in

figures, was also born, and died; a multitude of accountants, bookkeepers,

and actuaries, were born, and died. Still official

routine inclined to these notched sticks, as if they were pillars

of the constitution, and still the Exchequer accounts continued to

be kept on certain splints of elm wood called “tallies.” In the

reign of George III. an inquiry was made by some revolutionary

spirit, whether pens, ink, and paper, slates and pencils, being in

existence, this obstinate adherence to an obsolete custom ought to

be continued, and whether a change ought not to be effected.

All the red tape in the country grew redder at the bare mention of

this bold and original conception, and it took till 1826 to get

these sticks abolished. In 1834 it was found that there was a

considerable accumulation of them; and the question then arose,

what was to be done with such worn-out, worm-eaten, rotten old bits

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Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

of wood? I dare say there was a vast amount of minuting,

memoranduming, and despatch-boxing, on this mighty subject. The

sticks were housed at Westminster, and it would naturally occur to

any intelligent person that nothing could be easier than to allow

them to be carried away for fire-wood by the miserable people who

live in that neighbourhood. However, they never had been useful,

and official routine required that they never should be, and so the

order went forth that they were to be privately and confidentially

burnt. It came to pass that they were burnt in a stove in the

House of Lords. The stove, overgorged with these preposterous

sticks, set fire to the panelling; the panelling set fire to the

House of Lords; the House of Lords set fire to the House of

Commons; the two houses were reduced to ashes; architects were

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Categories: Charles Dickens