Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

knowledge of, a certain obscure peer lately known in England by the

name of Lord Brougham; seeing that I regard with some admiration

and affection another obscure peer wholly unknown in literary

circles, called Lord Lytton; seeing also that I have had for some

years some slight admiration of the extraordinary judicial

properties and amazingly acute mind of a certain Lord Chief Justice

popularly known by the name of Cockburn; and also seeing that there

is no man in England whom I respect more in his public capacity,

whom I love more in his private capacity, or from whom I have

received more remarkable proofs of his honour and love of

literature than another obscure nobleman called Lord Russell;

taking these circumstances into consideration, I was rather amazed

by my noble friend’s accusation. When I asked him, on his sitting

down, what amazing devil possessed him to make this charge, he

replied that he had never forgotten the days of Lord Verisopht.

Then, ladies and gentlemen, I understood it all. Because it is a

remarkable fact that in the days when that depreciative and

profoundly unnatural character was invented there was no Lord

Houghton in the House of Lords. And there was in the House of

Commons a rather indifferent member called Richard Monckton Milnes.

Ladies and gentlemen, to conclude, for the present, I close with

the other charge of my noble friend, and here I am more serious,

and I may be allowed perhaps to express my seriousness in half a

dozen plain words. When I first took literature as my profession

in England, I calmly resolved within myself that, whether I

succeeded or whether I failed, literature should be my sole

profession. It appeared to me at that time that it was not so well

understood in England as it was in other countries that literature

was a dignified profession, by which any man might stand or fall.

I made a compact with myself that in my person literature should

stand, and by itself, of itself, and for itself; and there is no

consideration on earth which would induce me to break that bargain.

Ladies and gentlemen, finally allow me to thank you for your great

kindness, and for the touching earnestness with which you have

drunk my health. I should have thanked you with all my heart if it

had not so unfortunately happened that, for many sufficient

reasons, I lost my heart at between half-past six and half-past

seven to-night.



Page 87

Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

[The International University Boat Race having taken place on

August 27, the London Rowing Club invited the Crews to a Dinner at

the Crystal Palace on the following Monday. The dinner was

followed by a grand display of pyrotechnics. Mr. Dickens, in

proposing the health of the Crews, made the following speech:]

GENTLEMEN, flushed with fireworks, I can warrant myself to you as

about to imitate those gorgeous illusions by making a brief spirt

and then dying out. And, first of all, as an invited visitor of

the London Rowing Club on this most interesting occasion, I will

beg, in the name of the other invited visitors present – always

excepting the distinguished guests who are the cause of our meeting

– to thank the president for the modesty and the courtesy with

which he has deputed to one of us the most agreeable part of his

evening’s duty. It is the more graceful in him to do this because

he can hardly fail to see that he might very easily do it himself,

as this is a case of all others in which it is according to good

taste and the very principles of things that the great social vice,

speech-making, should hide it diminished head before the great

social virtue action. However, there is an ancient story of a lady

who threw her glove into an arena full of wild beasts to tempt her

attendant lover to climb down and reclaim it. The lover, rightly

inferring from the action the worth of the lady, risked his life

for the glove, and then threw it rightly in her face as a token of

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Categories: Charles Dickens