Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

opinion of the evanescent officer before you, remains for the

institution to do, and not to do. As Mr. Carlyle has it towards

the closing pages of his grand history of the French Revolution,

“This we are now with due brevity to glance at; and then courage,

oh listener, I see land!” I earnestly hope – and I firmly believe

– that your institution will do henceforth as it has done hitherto;

it can hardly do better. I hope and believe that it will know

among its members no distinction of persons, creed, or party, but

that it will conserve its place of assemblage as a high, pure

ground, on which all such considerations shall merge into the one

universal, heaven-sent aspiration of the human soul to be wiser and

better. I hope and believe that it will always be expansive and

elastic; for ever seeking to devise new means of enlarging the

circle of its members, of attracting to itself the confidence of

still greater and greater numbers, and never evincing any more

disposition to stand still than time does, or life does, or the

seasons do. And above all things, I hope, and I feel confident

from its antecedents, that it will never allow any consideration on

the face of the earth to induce it to patronise or to be

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Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

patronised, for I verily believe that the bestowal and receipt of

patronage in such wise has been a curse in England, and that it has

done more to prevent really good objects, and to lower really high

character, than the utmost efforts of the narrowest antagonism

could have effected in twice the time.

I have no fear that the walls of the Birmingham and Midland

Institute will ever tremble responsive to the croakings of the

timid opponents of intellectual progress; but in this connexion

generally I cannot forbear from offering a remark which is much

upon my mind. It is commonly assumed – much too commonly – that

this age is a material age, and that a material age is an

irreligious age. I have been pained lately to see this assumption

repeated in certain influential quarters for which I have a high

respect, and desire to have a higher. I am afraid that by dint of

constantly being reiterated, and reiterated without protest, this

assumption – which I take leave altogether to deny – may be

accepted by the more unthinking part of the public as

unquestionably true; just as caricaturists and painters,

professedly making a portrait of some public man, which was not in

the least like him to begin with, have gone on repeating and

repeating it until the public came to believe that it must be

exactly like him, simply because it was like itself, and really

have at last, in the fulness of time, grown almost disposed to

resent upon him their tardy discovery – really to resent upon him

their late discovery – that he was not like it. I confess,

standing here in this responsible situation, that I do not

understand this much-used and much-abused phrase – the “material

age.” I cannot comprehend – if anybody can I very much doubt – its

logical signification. For instance, has electricity become more

material in the mind of any sane or moderately insane man, woman,

or child, because of the discovery that in the good providence of

God it could be made available for the service and use of man to an

immeasurably greater extent than for his destruction? Do I make a

more material journey to the bed-side of my dying parent or my

dying child when I travel there at the rate of sixty miles an hour,

than when I travel thither at the rate of six? Rather, in the

swiftest case, does not my agonised heart become over-fraught with

gratitude to that Supreme Beneficence from whom alone could have

proceeded the wonderful means of shortening my suspense? What is

the materiality of the cable or the wire compared with the

materiality of the spark? What is the materiality of certain

chemical substances that we can weigh or measure, imprison or

release, compared with the materiality of their appointed

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Categories: Charles Dickens