Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

they were not mere matters of manipulation and routine; but that

they required from those who performed them much natural

intelligence, much super-added cultivation, readiness of reference,

quickness of resource, an excellent memory, and a clear

understanding. He most gratefully acknowledged that he had never

gone through the sheets of any book that he had written, without

having presented to him by the correctors of the press something

that he had overlooked, some slight inconsistency into which he had

fallen, some little lapse he had made – in short, without having

set down in black and white some unquestionable indication that he

had been closely followed through the work by a patient and trained

mind, and not merely by a skilful eye. And in this declaration he

had not the slightest doubt that the great body of his brother and

sister writers would, as a plain act of justice, readily concur.

For these plain reasons he was there; and being there he begged to

assure them that every one present – that every speaker – would

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Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

have a patient hearing, whatever his opinions might be.

[The proceedings concluded with a very cordial and hearty vote of

thanks to Mr. Dickens for taking the chair on the occasion.]

Mr. Dickens briefly returned thanks, and expressed the belief that

their very calm and temperate proceedings would finally result in

the establishment of relations of perfect amity between the

employers and the employed, and consequently conduce to the general

welfare of both.


[On Saturday evening, November 2, 1867, a grand complimentary

farewell dinner was given to Mr. Dickens at the Freemasons’ Tavern

on the occasion of his revisiting the United States of America.

Lord Lytton officiated as chairman, and proposed as a toast – “A

Prosperous Voyage, Health, and Long Life to our Illustrious Guest

and Countryman, Charles Dickens”. The toast was drunk with all the

honours, and one cheer more. Mr. Dickens then rose, and spoke as


NO thanks that I can offer you can express my sense of my reception

by this great assemblage, or can in the least suggest to you how

deep the glowing words of my friend the chairman, and your

acceptance of them, have sunk into my heart. But both combined

have so greatly shaken the composure which I am used to command

before an audience, that I hope you may observe in me some traces

of an eloquence more expressive than the richest words. To say

that I am fervently grateful to you is to say nothing; to say that

I can never forget this beautiful sight, is to say nothing; to say

that it brings upon me a rush of emotion not only in the present,

but in the thought of its remembrance in the future by those who

are dearest to me, is to say nothing; but to feel all this for the

moment, even almost to pain, is very much indeed. Mercutio says of

the wound in his breast, dealt him by the hand of a foe, that –

“‘Tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church door; but ’tis

enough, ’twill serve.” I may say of the wound in my breast, newly

dealt to me by the hands of my friends, that it is deeper than the

soundless sea, and wider than the whole Catholic Church. I may

safely add that it has for the moment almost stricken me dumb. I

should be more than human, and I assure you I am very human indeed,

if I could look around upon this brilliant representative company

and not feel greatly thrilled and stirred by the presence of so

many brother artists, not only in literature, but also in the

sister arts, especially painting, among whose professors living and

unhappily dead, are many of my oldest and best friends. I hope

that I may, without presumption, regard this thronging of my

brothers around me as a testimony on their part that they believe

that the cause of art generally has been safe in my keeping, and

that it has never been falsely dealt with by me. Your resounding

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Categories: Charles Dickens