Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

walls, will raise you nearer to the angels in the eyes you care for


I will not longer interpose myself, ladies and gentlemen, between

you and the pleasure we all anticipate in hearing other gentlemen,

and in enjoying those social pleasures with which it is a main part

of the wisdom of this society to adorn and relieve its graver

pursuits. We all feel, I am sure, being here, that we are truly

interested in the cause of human improvement and rational

education, and that we pledge ourselves, everyone as far as in him

lies, to extend the knowledge of the benefits afforded in this

place, and to bear honest witness in its favour. To those who yet

remain without its walls, but have the means of purchasing its

advantages, we make appeal, and in a friendly and forbearing spirit

say, “Come in, and be convinced –

‘Who enters here, leaves DOUBT behind.'”

If you, happily, have been well taught yourself, and are superior

to its advantages, so much the more should you make one in sympathy

with those who are below you. Beneath this roof we breed the men

who, in the time to come, must be found working for good or evil,

in every quarter of society. If mutual respect and forbearance

among various classes be not found here, where so many men are

trained up in so many grades, to enter on so many roads of life,

dating their entry from one common starting-point, as they are all

approaching, by various paths, one common end, where else can that

great lesson be imbibed? Differences of wealth, of rank, of

intellect, we know there must be, and we respect them; but we would

give to all the means of taking out one patent of nobility, and we

define it, in the words of a great living poet, who is one of us,

and who uses his great gifts, as he holds them in trust, for the

general welfare –

“Howe’er it be, it seems to me

‘Tis only noble to be good:

True hearts are more than coronets,

And simple faith than Norman blood.”


Page 22

Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

[The following speech was delivered at a Conversazione, in aid of

the funds of the Birmingham Polytechnic Institution, at which Mr

Dickens presided.]

YOU will think it very unwise, or very self-denying in me, in such

an assembly, in such a splendid scene, and after such a welcome, to

congratulate myself on having nothing new to say to you: but I do

so, notwithstanding. To say nothing of places nearer home, I had

the honour of attending at Manchester, shortly before Christmas,

and at Liverpool, only the night before last, for a purpose similar

to that which brings you together this evening; and looking down a

short perspective of similar engagements, I feel gratification at

the thought that I shall very soon have nothing at all to say; in

which case, I shall be content to stake my reputation, like the

Spectator of Addison, and that other great periodical speaker, the

Speaker of the House of Commons, on my powers of listening.

This feeling, and the earnest reception I have met with, are not

the only reasons why I feel a genuine, cordial, and peculiar

interest in this night’s proceedings. The Polytechnic Institution

of Birmingham is in its infancy – struggling into life under all

those adverse and disadvantageous circumstances which, to a greater

or less extent, naturally beset all infancy; but I would much

rather connect myself with it now, however humble, in its days of

difficulty and of danger, than look back on its origin when it may

have become strong, and rich, and powerful. I should prefer an

intimate association with it now, in its early days and apparent

struggles, to becoming its advocate and acquaintance, its fairweather

friend, in its high and palmy days. I would rather be able

to say I knew it in its swaddling-clothes, than in maturer age.

Its two elder brothers have grown old and died: their chests were

weak – about their cradles nurses shook their heads, and gossips

groaned; but the present institution shot up, amidst the ruin of

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Categories: Charles Dickens