Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

his eyes. That young man had witnessed the most terrible

contention between the powers of fire and water for the destruction

of that ship and of every one on board. He had rowed away among

the floating, dying, and the sinking dead. He had floated by day,

and he had frozen by night, with no shelter and no food, and, as he

told his dismal tale, he rolled his haggard eyes about the room.

When he had finished, and the tale had been noted down from his

lips, he was cheered and refreshed, and soothed, and asked if

anything could be done for him. Even within him that master

passion was so strong that he immediately replied he should like an

order for the play. My friend the editor certainly thought that

was rather a strong case; but he said that during his many years of

experience he had witnessed an incurable amount of self-prostration

and abasement having no outer object, and that almost invariably on

the part of people who could well afford to pay.

This made a great impression on my mind, and I really lived in this

faith until some years ago it happened upon a stormy night I was

kindly escorted from a bleak railway station to the little out-ofthe-

way town it represented by a sprightly and vivacious newsman,

to whom I propounded, as we went along under my umbrella – he being

most excellent company – this old question, what was the one allabsorbing

passion of the human soul? He replied, without the

slightest hesitation, that it certainly was the passion for getting

your newspaper in advance of your fellow-creatures; also, if you

only hired it, to get it delivered at your own door at exactly the

same time as another man who hired the same copy four miles off;

and, finally, the invincible determination on the part of both men

not to believe the time was up when the boy called.

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Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

Ladies and gentlemen, I have not had an opportunity of verifying

this experience with my friends of the managing committee, but I

have no doubt from its reception tonight that my friend the newsman

was perfectly right. Well, as a sort of beacon in a sufficiently

dark life, and as an assurance that among a little body of working

men there is a feeling of brotherhood and sympathy – which is worth

much to all men, or they would herd with wolves – the newsvendors

once upon a time established the Benevolent and Provident

Institution, and here it is. Under the Provident head, certain

small annuities are granted to old and hard-working subscribers.

Under the Benevolent head, relief is afforded to temporary and

proved distress. Under both heads, I am bound to say the help

rendered is very humble and very sparing, but if you like it to be

handsomer you have it in your power to make it so. Such as it is,

it is most gratefully received, and does a deal of good. Such as

it is, it is most discreetly and feelingly administered; and it is

encumbered with no wasteful charges for management or patronage.

You know upon an old authority, that you may believe anything

except facts and figures, but you really may believe that during

the last year we have granted 100 pounds in pensions, and some 70

pounds in temporary relief, and we have invested in Government

securities some 400 pounds. But, touching this matter of

investments, it was suggested at the anniversary dinner, on the

high and kind authority of Sir Benjamin Phillips that we might

grant more pensions and invest less money. We urged, on the other

hand, that we wished our pensions to be certain and unchangeable –

which of course they must be if they are always paid out of our

Government interest and never out of our capital. However, so

amiable is our nature, that we profess our desire to grant more

pensions and to invest more money too. The more you give us tonight

again, so amiable is our nature, the more we promise to do in

both departments. That the newsman’s work has greatly increased,

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Categories: Charles Dickens