Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

the confidence and friendship that they have long reposed in me.

My sphere of action – which I shall never change – I shall never

overstep, further than this, or for a longer period than I do tonight.

By literature I have lived, and through literature I have

been content to serve my country; and I am perfectly well aware

that I cannot serve two masters. In my sphere of action I have

tried to understand the heavier social grievances, and to help to

set them right. When the TIMES newspaper proved its then almost

incredible case, in reference to the ghastly absurdity of that vast

labyrinth of misplaced men and misdirected things, which had made

England unable to find on the face of the earth, an enemy onetwentieth

part so potent to effect the misery and ruin of her noble

defenders as she has been herself, I believe that the gloomy

silence into which the country fell was by far the darkest aspect

in which a great people had been exhibited for many years. With

shame and indignation lowering among all classes of society, and

this new element of discord piled on the heaving basis of

ignorance, poverty and crime, which is always below us – with

little adequate expression of the general mind, or apparent

understanding of the general mind, in Parliament – with the

machinery of Government and the legislature going round and round,

and the people fallen from it and standing aloof, as if they left

it to its last remaining function of destroying itself, when it had

achieved the destruction of so much that was dear to them – I did

and do believe that the only wholesome turn affairs so menacing

could possibly take, was, the awaking of the people, the

outspeaking of the people, the uniting of the people in all

patriotism and loyalty to effect a great peaceful constitutional

change in the administration of their own affairs. At such a

crisis this association arose; at such a crisis I joined it:

considering its further case to be – if further case could possibly

be needed – that what is everybody’s business is nobody’s business,

that men must be gregarious in good citizenship as well as in other

things, and that it is a law in nature that there must be a centre

of attraction for particles to fly to, before any serviceable body

with recognised functions can come into existence. This

association has arisen, and we belong to it. What are the

objections to it? I have heard in the main but three, which I will

now briefly notice. It is said that it is proposed by this

association to exercise an influence, through the constituencies,

on the House of Commons. I have not the least hesitation in saying

that I have the smallest amount of faith in the House of Commons at

present existing and that I consider the exercise of such influence

highly necessary to the welfare and honour of this country. I was

reading no later than yesterday the book of Mr. Pepys, which is

rather a favourite of mine, in which he, two hundred years ago,

writing of the House of Commons, says:

“My cousin Roger Pepys tells me that it is matter of the greatest

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Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

grief to him in the world that he should be put upon this trust of

being a Parliament man; because he says nothing is done, that he

can see, out of any truth and sincerity, but mere envy and design.”

Now, how it comes to pass that after two hundred years, and many

years after a Reform Bill, the house of Commons is so little

changed, I will not stop to inquire. I will not ask how it happens

that bills which cramp and worry the people, and restrict their

scant enjoyments, are so easily passed, and how it happens that

measures for their real interests are so very difficult to be got

through Parliament. I will not analyse the confined air of the

lobby, or reduce to their primitive gases its deadening influences

on the memory of that Honourable Member who was once a candidate

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Categories: Charles Dickens