Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

way of assurance at very low premiums; sometimes to members,

oftener to non-members; always expressly, remember, through the

hands of a secretary or committee well acquainted with the wants of

the applicants, and thoroughly versed, if not by hard experience at

least by sympathy, in the calamities and uncertainties incidental

to the general calling. One must know something of the general

calling to know what those afflictions are. A lady who had been

upon the stage from her earliest childhood till she was a blooming

woman, and who came from a long line of provincial actors and

actresses, once said to me when she was happily married; when she

was rich, beloved, courted; when she was mistress of a fine house –

once said to me at the head of her own table, surrounded by

distinguished guests of every degree, “Oh, but I have never

forgotten the hard time when I was on the stage, and when my baby

brother died, and when my poor mother and I brought the little baby

from Ireland to England, and acted three nights in England, as we

had acted three nights in Ireland, with the pretty creature lying

upon the only bed in our lodging before we got the money to pay for

its funeral.”

Ladies and gentlemen, such things are, every day, to this hour;

but, happily, at this day and in this hour this association has

arisen to be the timely friend of such great distress.

It is not often the fault of the sufferers that they fall into

these straits. Struggling artists must necessarily change from

place to place, and thus it frequently happens that they become, as

it were, strangers in every place, and very slight circumstances –

a passing illness, the sickness of the husband, wife, or child, a

serious town, an anathematising expounder of the gospel of

gentleness and forbearance – any one of these causes may often in a

few hours wreck them upon a rock in the barren ocean; and then,

happily, this society, with the swift alacrity of the life-boat,

dashes to the rescue, and takes them off. Looking just now over

the last report issued by this society, and confining my scrutiny

to the head of illness alone, I find that in one year, I think, 672

days of sickness had been assuaged by its means. In nine years,

which then formed the term of its existence, as many as 5,500 and

odd. Well, I thought when I saw 5,500 and odd days of sickness,

this is a very serious sum, but add the nights! Add the nights –

those long, dreary hours in the twenty-four when the shadow of

death is darkest, when despondency is strongest, and when hope is

weakest, before you gauge the good that is done by this

institution, and before you gauge the good that really will be done

by every shilling that you bestow here to-night. Add, more than

all, that the improvidence, the recklessness of the general

multitude of poor members of this profession, I should say is a

cruel, conventional fable. Add that there is no class of society

the members of which so well help themselves, or so well help each

other. Not in the whole grand chapters of Westminster Abbey and

York Minster, not in the whole quadrangle of the Royal Exchange,

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Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

not in the whole list of members of the Stock Exchange, not in the

Inns of Court, not in the College of Physicians, not in the College

of Surgeons, can there possibly be found more remarkable instances

of uncomplaining poverty, of cheerful, constant self-denial, of the

generous remembrance of the claims of kindred and professional

brotherhood, than will certainly be found in the dingiest and

dirtiest concert room, in the least lucid theatre – even in the

raggedest tent circus that was ever stained by weather.

I have been twitted in print before now with rather flattering

actors when I address them as one of their trustees at their

General Fund dinner. Believe me, I flatter nobody, unless it be

sometimes myself; but, in such a company as the present, I always

feel it my manful duty to bear my testimony to this fact – first,

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Categories: Charles Dickens