Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

that if I allow myself to be betrayed into the folly of killing an

inoffensive tradesman on his own door-step, that little incident

will not affect the testimonials to my character, but that I shall

be described as a most amiable young man, and as, above all things,

remarkable for the singular inoffensiveness of my character and

disposition. Then I turn my eye to the Fine Arts, and, under that

head, I see that a certain “J. O.” has most triumphantly exposed a

certain “J. O. B.,” which “J. O. B.” was remarkable for this

particular ugly feature, that I was requested to deprive myself of

the best of my pictures for six months; that for that time it was

to be hung on a wet wall, and that I was to be requited for my

courtesy in having my picture most impertinently covered with a wet

blanket. To sum up the results of a glance over my newsman’s

shoulder, it gives a comprehensive knowledge of what is going on

over the continent of Europe, and also of what is going on over the

continent of America, to say nothing of such little geographical

regions as India and China.

Now, my friends, this is the glance over the newsman’s shoulders

from the whimsical point of view, which is the point, I believe,

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Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

that most promotes digestion. The newsman is to be met with on

steamboats, railway stations, and at every turn. His profits are

small, he has a great amount of anxiety and care, and no little

amount of personal wear and tear. He is indispensable to

civilization and freedom, and he is looked for with pleasurable

excitement every day, except when he lends the paper for an hour,

and when he is punctual in calling for it, which is sometimes very

painful. I think the lesson we can learn from our newsman is some

new illustration of the uncertainty of life, some illustration of

its vicissitudes and fluctuations. Mindful of this permanent

lesson, some members of the trade originated this society, which

affords them assistance in time of sickness and indigence. The

subscription is infinitesimal. It amounts annually to five

shillings. Looking at the returns before me, the progress of the

society would seem to be slow, but it has only been slow for the

best of all reasons, that it has been sure. The pensions granted

are all obtained from the interest on the funded capital, and,

therefore, the Institution is literally as safe as the Bank. It is

stated that there are several newsvendors who are not members of

this society; but that is true in all institutions which have come

under my experience. The persons who are most likely to stand in

need of the benefits which an institution confers, are usually the

persons to keep away until bitter experience comes to them too



[On the above date Mr. Dickens presided at the Adelphi Theatre, at

a public meeting, for the purpose of founding the Shakespeare

Schools, in connexion with the Royal Dramatic College, and

delivered the following address:]

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN – Fortunately for me, and fortunately for you,

it is the duty of the Chairman on an occasion of this nature, to be

very careful that he does not anticipate those speakers who come

after him. Like Falstaff, with a considerable difference, he has

to be the cause of speaking in others. It is rather his duty to

sit and hear speeches with exemplary attention than to stand up to

make them; so I shall confine myself, in opening these proceedings

as your business official, to as plain and as short an exposition

as I can possibly give you of the reasons why we come together.

First of all I will take leave to remark that we do not come

together in commemoration of Shakespeare. We have nothing to do

with any commemoration, except that we are of course humble

worshippers of that mighty genius, and that we propose by-and-by to

take his name, but by no means to take it in vain. If, however,

the Tercentenary celebration were a hundred years hence, or a

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Categories: Charles Dickens