Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

bringing together of employers and employed; in the creating of a

better common understanding among those whose interests are

identical, who depend upon each other, who are vitally essential to

each other, and who never can be in unnatural antagonism without

deplorable results, that one of the chief principles of a

Mechanics’ Institution should consist. In this world a great deal

of the bitterness among us arises from an imperfect understanding

of one another. Erect in Birmingham a great Educational

Institution, properly educational; educational of the feelings as

well as of the reason; to which all orders of Birmingham men

contribute; in which all orders of Birmingham men meet; wherein all

orders of Birmingham men are faithfully represented – and you will

erect a Temple of Concord here which will be a model edifice to the

whole of England.

Page 34

Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

Contemplating as I do the existence of the Artisans’ Committee,

which not long ago considered the establishment of the Institute so

sensibly, and supported it so heartily, I earnestly entreat the

gentlemen – earnest I know in the good work, and who are now among

us, – by all means to avoid the great shortcoming of similar

institutions; and in asking the working man for his confidence, to

set him the great example and give him theirs in return. You will

judge for yourselves if I promise too much for the working man,

when I say that he will stand by such an enterprise with the utmost

of his patience, his perseverance, sense, and support; that I am

sure he will need no charitable aid or condescending patronage; but

will readily and cheerfully pay for the advantages which it

confers; that he will prepare himself in individual cases where he

feels that the adverse circumstances around him have rendered it

necessary; in a word, that he will feel his responsibility like an

honest man, and will most honestly and manfully discharge it. I

now proceed to the pleasant task to which I assure you I have

looked forward for a long time.

[At the close of the reading Mr. Dickens received a vote of thanks,

and “three cheers, with three times three.” As soon as the

enthusiasm of the audience would allow him to speak, Mr. Dickens


You have heard so much of my voice since we met tonight, that I

will only say, in acknowledgment of this affecting mark of your

regard, that I am truly and sincerely interested in you; that any

little service I have rendered to you I have freely rendered from

my heart; that I hope to become an honorary member of your great

Institution, and will meet you often there when it becomes

practically useful; that I thank you most affectionately for this

new mark of your sympathy and approval; and that I wish you many

happy returns of this great birthday-time, and many prosperous



[The following speech was made by Mr. Dickens at the Anniversary

Dinner in commemoration of the foundation of the Commercial

Travellers’ Schools, held at the London Tavern on the above date.

Mr. Dickens presided on this occasion, and proposed the toasts.]

I THINK it may be assumed that most of us here present know

something about travelling. I do not mean in distant regions or

foreign countries, although I dare say some of us have had

experience in that way, but at home, and within the limits of the

United Kingdom. I dare say most of us have had experience of the

extinct “fast coaches,” the “Wonders,” “Taglionis,” and “Tallyhos,”

of other days. I daresay most of us remember certain modest

postchaises, dragging us down interminable roads, through slush and

mud, to little country towns with no visible population, except

half-a-dozen men in smock-frocks, half-a-dozen women with umbrellas

and pattens, and a washed-out dog or so shivering under the gables,

to complete the desolate picture. We can all discourse, I dare

say, if so minded, about our recollections of the “Talbot,” the

“Queen’s Head,” or the “Lion” of those days. We have all been to

that room on the ground floor on one side of the old inn yard, not

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Categories: Charles Dickens