Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

them through the breath of life, Liverpool stood foremost among the

great places out of London to which I looked with eager confidence

and pleasure. And why was this? Not merely because of the

reputation of its citizens for generous estimation of the arts; not

merely because I had unworthily filled the chair of its great selfeducational

institution long ago; not merely because the place had

been a home to me since the well-remembered day when its blessed

roofs and steeples dipped into the Mersey behind me on the occasion

of my first sailing away to see my generous friends across the

Atlantic twenty-seven years ago. Not for one of those

considerations, but because it had been my happiness to have a

public opportunity of testing the spirit of its people. I had

asked Liverpool for help towards the worthy preservation of

Shakespeare’s house. On another occasion I had ventured to address

Liverpool in the names of Leigh Hunt and Sheridan Knowles. On

still another occasion I had addressed it in the cause of the

brotherhood and sisterhood of letters and the kindred arts, and on

each and all the response had been unsurpassably spontaneous, openhanded,

and munificent.

Mr. Mayor, and ladies and gentlemen, if I may venture to take a

small illustration of my present position from my own peculiar

craft, I would say that there is this objection in writing fiction

to giving a story an autobiographical form, that through whatever

dangers the narrator may pass, it is clear unfortunately to the

reader beforehand that he must have come through them somehow else

he could not have lived to tell the tale. Now, in speaking fact,

when the fact is associated with such honours as those with which

you have enriched me, there is this singular difficulty in the way

of returning thanks, that the speaker must infallibly come back to

himself through whatever oratorical disasters he may languish on

the road. Let me, then, take the plainer and simpler middle course

of dividing my subject equally between myself and you. Let me

assure you that whatever you have accepted with pleasure, either by

word of pen or by word of mouth, from me, you have greatly improved

in the acceptance. As the gold is said to be doubly and trebly

refined which has seven times passed the furnace, so a fancy may be

said to become more and more refined each time it passes through

the human heart. You have, and you know you have, brought to the

consideration of me that quality in yourselves without which I

should but have beaten the air. Your earnestness has stimulated

mine, your laughter has made me laugh, and your tears have

overflowed my eyes. All that I can claim for myself in

establishing the relations which exist between us is constant

fidelity to hard work. My literary fellows about me, of whom I am

so proud to see so many, know very well how true it is in all art

that what seems the easiest done is oftentimes the most difficult

to do, and that the smallest truth may come of the greatest pains –

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Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

much, as it occurred to me at Manchester the other day, as the

sensitive touch of Mr. Whitworth’s measuring machine, comes at

last, of Heaven and Manchester and its mayor only know how much

hammering – my companions-in-arms know thoroughly well, and I think

it only right the public should know too, that in our careful toil

and trouble, and in our steady striving for excellence – not in any

little gifts, misused by fits and starts – lies our highest duty at

once to our calling, to one another, to ourselves, and to you.

Ladies and gentlemen, before sitting down I find that I have to

clear myself of two very unexpected accusations. The first is a

most singular charge preferred against me by my old friend Lord

Houghton, that I have been somewhat unconscious of the merits of

the House of Lords. Now, ladies and gentlemen, seeing that I have

had some few not altogether obscure or unknown personal friends in

that assembly, seeing that I had some little association with, and

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Categories: Charles Dickens