Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

exits anywhere.

He, however, has many privileges. It is one of his privileges to

watch the steady growth of an institution in which he takes great

interest; it is one of his privileges to bear his testimony to the

prudence, the goodness, the self-denial, and the excellence of a

class of persons who have been too long depreciated, and whose

virtues are too much denied, out of the depths of an ignorant and

stupid superstition. And lastly, it is one of his privileges

sometimes to be called on to propose the health of the chairman at

the annual dinners of the institution, when that chairman is one

for whose genius he entertains the warmest admiration, and whom he

respects as a friend, and as one who does honour to literature, and

in whom literature is honoured. I say when that is the case, he

feels that this last privilege is a great and high one. From the

earliest days of this institution I have ventured to impress on its

managers, that they would consult its credit and success by

choosing its chairmen as often as possible within the circle of

literature and the arts; and I will venture to say that no similar

institution has been presided over by so many remarkable and

distinguished men. I am sure, however, that it never has had, and

that it never will have, simply because it cannot have, a greater

lustre cast upon it than by the presence of the noble English

writer who fills the chair to-night.

It is not for me at this time, and in this place, to take on myself

to flutter before you the well-thumbed pages of Mr. Thackeray’s

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Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

books, and to tell you to observe how full they are of wit and

wisdom, how out-speaking, and how devoid of fear or favour; but I

will take leave to remark, in paying my due homage and respect to

them, that it is fitting that such a writer and such an institution

should be brought together. Every writer of fiction, although he

may not adopt the dramatic form, writes in effect for the stage.

He may never write plays; but the truth and passion which are in

him must be more or less reflected in the great mirror which he

holds up to nature. Actors, managers, and authors are all

represented in this company, and it maybe supposed that they all

have studied the deep wants of the human heart in many theatres;

but none of them could have studied its mysterious workings in any

theatre to greater advantage than in the bright and airy pages of

VANITY FAIR. To this skilful showman, who has so often delighted

us, and who has charmed us again to-night, we have now to wish God

speed, and that he may continue for many years to exercise his

potent art. To him fill a bumper toast, and fervently utter, God

bless him!


[The reader will already have observed that in the Christmas week

of 1853, and on several subsequent occasions, Mr. Dickens had read

the CHRISTMAS CAROL and the CHIMES before public audiences, but

always in aid of the funds of some institution, or for other

benevolent purposes. The first reading he ever gave for his own

benefit took place on the above date, in St. Martin’s Hall, (now

converted into the Queen’s Theatre). This reading Mr. Dickens

prefaced with the following speech:-]

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, – It may perhaps be in known to you that, for

a few years past, I have been accustomed occasionally to read some

of my shorter books, to various audiences, in aid of a variety of

good objects, and at some charge to myself, both in time and money.

It having at length become impossible in any reason to comply with

these always accumulating demands, I have had definitively to

choose between now and then reading on my own account, as one of my

recognised occupations, or not reading at all. I have had little

or no difficulty in deciding on the former course. The reasons

that have led me to it – besides the consideration that it

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Categories: Charles Dickens