Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

cheers just now would have been but so many cruel reproaches to me

if I could not here declare that, from the earliest days of my

career down to this proud night, I have always tried to be true to

my calling. Never unduly to assert it, on the one hand, and never,

on any pretence or consideration, to permit it to be patronized in

my person, has been the steady endeavour of my life; and I have

occasionally been vain enough to hope that I may leave its social

position in England better than I found it. Similarly, and equally

I hope without presumption, I trust that I may take this general

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Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

representation of the public here, through so many orders,

pursuits, and degrees, as a token that the public believe that,

with a host of imperfections and shortcomings on my head, I have as

a writer, in my soul and conscience, tried to be as true to them as

they have ever been true to me. And here, in reference to the

inner circle of the arts and the outer circle of the public, I feel

it a duty to-night to offer two remarks. I have in my duty at odd

times heard a great deal about literary sets and cliques, and

coteries and barriers; about keeping this man up, and keeping that

man down; about sworn disciples and sworn unbelievers, and mutual

admiration societies, and I know not what other dragons in the

upward path. I began to tread it when I was very young, without

influence, without money, without companion, introducer, or

adviser, and I am bound to put in evidence in this place that I

never lighted on these dragons yet. So have I heard in my day, at

divers other odd times, much generally to the effect that the

English people have little or no love of art for its own sake, and

that they do not greatly care to acknowledge or do honour to the

artist. My own experience has uniformly been exactly the reverse.

I can say that of my countrymen, though I cannot say that of my


And now passing to the immediate occasion of your doing me this

great honour, the story of my going again to America is very easily

and briefly told. Since I was there before a vast and entirely new

generation has arisen in the United States. Since I was there

before most of the best known of my books have been written and

published; the new generation and the books have come together and

have kept together, until at length numbers of those who have so

widely and constantly read me; naturally desiring a little variety

in the relationship between us, have expressed a strong wish that I

should read myself. This wish, at first conveyed to me through

public channels and business channels, has gradually become

enforced by an immense accumulation of letters from individuals and

associations of individuals, all expressing in the same hearty,

homely, cordial unaffected way, a kind of personal interest in me –

I had almost said a kind of personal affection for me, which I am

sure you would agree with me it would be dull insensibility on my

part not to prize. Little by little this pressure has become so

great that, although, as Charles Lamb says, my household gods

strike a terribly deep root, I have torn them from their places,

and this day week, at this hour, shall be upon the sea. You will

readily conceive that I am inspired besides by a natural desire to

see for myself the astonishing change and progress of a quarter of

a century over there, to grasp the hands of many faithful friends

whom I left there, to see the faces of the multitude of new friends

upon whom I have never looked, and last, not least, to use my best

endeavour to lay down a third cable of intercommunication and

alliance between the old world and the new. Twelve years ago, when

Heaven knows I little thought I should ever be bound upon the

voyage which now lies before me, I wrote in that form of my

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Categories: Charles Dickens