Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

attention. My own invention or imagination, such as it is, I can

most truthfully assure you, would never have served me as it has,

but for the habit of commonplace, humble, patient, daily, toiling,

drudging attention. Genius, vivacity, quickness of penetration,

brilliancy in association of ideas – such mental qualities, like

the qualities of the apparition of the externally armed head in

MACBETH, will not be commanded; but attention, after due term of

submissive service, always will. Like certain plants which the

poorest peasant may grow in the poorest soil, it can be cultivated

by any one, and it is certain in its own good season to bring forth

flowers and fruit. I can most truthfully assure you by-the-by,

that this eulogium on attention is so far quite disinterested on my

part as that it has not the least reference whatever to the

attention with which you have honoured me.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I have done. I cannot but reflect how

often you have probably heard within these walls one of the

foremost men, and certainly one of the very best speakers, if not

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Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

the very best, in England. I could not say to myself, when I began

just now, in Shakespeare’s line –

“I will be BRIGHT and shining gold,”

but I could say to myself, and I did say to myself, “I will be as

natural and easy as I possibly can,” because my heart has all been

in my subject, and I bear an old love towards Birmingham and

Birmingham men. I have said that I bear an old love towards

Birmingham and Birmingham men; let me amend a small omission, and

add “and Birmingham women.” This ring I wear on my finger now is

an old Birmingham gift, and if by rubbing it I could raise the

spirit that was obedient to Aladdin’s ring, I heartily assure you

that my first instruction to that genius on the spot should be to

place himself at Birmingham’s disposal in the best of causes.

[In acknowledging the vote of thanks, Mr. Dickens said:-]

Ladies and gentlemen, as I hope it is more than possible that I

shall have the pleasure of meeting you again before Christmas is

out, and shall have the great interest of seeing the faces and

touching the bands of the successful competitors in your lists, I

will not cast upon that anticipated meeting the terrible

foreshadowing of dread which must inevitably result from a second

speech. I thank you most heartily, and I most sincerely and

fervently say to you, “Good night, and God bless you.” In

reference to the appropriate and excellent remarks of Mr. Dixon, I

will now discharge my conscience of my political creed, which is

contained in two articles, and has no reference to any party or

persons. My faith in the people governing is, on the whole,

infinitesimal; my faith in the People governed is, on the whole,



[On the evening of the above date, Mr. Dickens, as President of the

Birmingham and Midland Institute, distributed the prizes and

certificates awarded to the most successful students in the first

year. The proceedings took place in the Town Hall: Mr. Dickens

entered at eight o’clock, accompanied by the officers of the

Institute, and was received with loud applause. After the lapse of

a minute or two, he rose and said:-]

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, – When I last had the honour to preside over

a meeting of the Institution which again brings us together, I took

occasion to remark upon a certain superabundance of public speaking

which seems to me to distinguish the present time. It will require

very little self-denial on my part to practise now what I preached

then; firstly, because I said my little say that night; and

secondly, because we have definite and highly interesting action

before us to-night. We have now to bestow the rewards which have

been brilliantly won by the most successful competitors in the

society’s lists. I say the most successful, because to-night we

should particularly observe, I think, that there is success in all

honest endeavour, and that there is some victory gained in every

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Categories: Charles Dickens