Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

I began to think that Scottish life was all light and no shadows,

and I began to doubt that beautiful book to which I have turned

again and again, always to find new beauties and fresh sources of


[In proposing the memory of the late Sir David Wilkie, Mr. Dickens


LESS fortunate than the two gentlemen who have preceded me, it is

confided to me to mention a name which cannot be pronounced without

sorrow, a name in which Scotland had a great triumph, and which

England delighted to honour. One of the gifted of the earth has

passed away, as it were, yesterday; one who was devoted to his art,

and his art was nature – I mean David Wilkie. He was one who made

the cottage hearth a graceful thing – of whom it might truly be

said that he found “books in the running brooks,” and who has left

in all he did some breathing of the air which stirs the heather.

But however desirous to enlarge on his genius as an artist, I would

rather speak of him now as a friend who has gone from amongst us.

There is his deserted studio – the empty easel lying idly by – the

unfinished picture with its face turned to the wall, and there is

that bereaved sister, who loved him with an affection which death

cannot quench. He has left a name in fame clear as the bright sky;

he has filled our minds with memories pure as the blue waves which

roll over him. Let us hope that she who more than all others

mourns his loss, may learn to reflect that he died in the fulness

of his time, before age or sickness had dimmed his powers – and

that she may yet associate with feelings as calm and pleasant as we

do now the memory of Wilkie.


[In presenting Captain Hewett, of the BRITANNIA, with a service of

plate on behalf of the passengers, Mr. Dickens addressed him as


CAPTAIN HEWETT, – I am very proud and happy to have been selected

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Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

as the instrument of conveying to you the heartfelt thanks of my

fellow-passengers on board the ship entrusted to your charge, and

of entreating your acceptance of this trifling present. The

ingenious artists who work in silver do not always, I find, keep

their promises, even in Boston. I regret that, instead of two

goblets, which there should be here, there is, at present, only

one. The deficiency, however, will soon be supplied; and, when it

is, our little testimonial will be, so far, complete.

You are a sailor, Captain Hewett, in the truest sense of the word;

and the devoted admiration of the ladies, God bless them, is a

sailor’s first boast. I need not enlarge upon the honour they have

done you, I am sure, by their presence here. Judging of you by

myself, I am certain that the recollection of their beautiful faces

will cheer your lonely vigils upon the ocean for a long time to


In all time to come, and in all your voyages upon the sea, I hope

you will have a thought for those who wish to live in your memory

by the help of these trifles. As they will often connect you with

the pleasure of those homes and fire sides from which they once

wandered, and which, but for you, they might never have regained,

so they trust that you will sometimes associate them with your

hours of festive enjoyment; and, that, when you drink from these

cups, you will feel that the draught is commended to your lips by

friends whose best wishes you have; and who earnestly and truly

hope for your success, happiness, and prosperity, in all the

undertakings of your life.


[At dinner given to Mr. Dickens by the young men of Boston. The

company consisted of about two hundred, among whom were George

Bancroft, Washington Allston, and Oliver Wendell Holmes. The toast

of “Health, happiness, and a hearty welcome to Charles Dickens,”

having been proposed by the chairman, Mr. Quincy, and received with

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Categories: Charles Dickens