Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

parrots of society are not more pernicious to its interests than

its birds of prey. I should be glad to hear such people’s estimate

of the comparative danger of “a little learning” and a vast amount

of ignorance; I should be glad to know which they consider the most

prolific parent of misery and crime. Descending a little lower in

the social scale, I should be glad to assist them in their

calculations, by carrying them into certain gaols and nightly

refuges I know of, where my own heart dies within me, when I see

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thousands of immortal creatures condemned, without alternative or

choice, to tread, not what our great poet calls the “primrose path”

to the everlasting bonfire, but one of jaded flints and stones,

laid down by brutal ignorance, and held together, like the solid

rocks, by years of this most wicked axiom.

Would we know from any honourable body of merchants, upright in

deed and thought, whether they would rather have ignorant or

enlightened persons in their own employment? Why, we have had

their answer in this building; we have it in this company; we have

it emphatically given in the munificent generosity of your own

merchants of Manchester, of all sects and kinds, when this

establishment was first proposed. But are the advantages derivable

by the people from institutions such as this, only of a negative

character? If a little learning be an innocent thing, has it no

distinct, wholesome, and immediate influence upon the mind? The

old doggerel rhyme, so often written in the beginning of books,

says that

“When house and lands are gone and spent,

Then learning is most excellent;”

but I should be strongly disposed to reform the adage, and say that

“Though house and lands be never got,

Learning can give what they canNOT.”

And this I know, that the first unpurchasable blessing earned by

every man who makes an effort to improve himself in such a place as

the Athenaeum, is self-respect – an inward dignity of character,

which, once acquired and righteously maintained, nothing – no, not

the hardest drudgery, nor the direst poverty – can vanquish.

Though he should find it hard for a season even to keep the wolf –

hunger – from his door, let him but once have chased the dragon –

ignorance – from his hearth, and self-respect and hope are left

him. You could no more deprive him of those sustaining qualities

by loss or destruction of his worldly goods, than you could, by

plucking out his eyes, take from him an internal consciousness of

the bright glory of the sun.

The man who lives from day to day by the daily exercise in his

sphere of hands or head, and seeks to improve himself in such a

place as the Athenaeum, acquires for himself that property of soul

which has in all times upheld struggling men of every degree, but

self-made men especially and always. He secures to himself that

faithful companion which, while it has ever lent the light of its

countenance to men of rank and eminence who have deserved it, has

ever shed its brightest consolations on men of low estate and

almost hopeless means. It took its patient seat beside Sir Walter

Raleigh in his dungeon-study in the Tower; it laid its head upon

the block with More; but it did not disdain to watch the stars with

Ferguson, the shepherd’s boy; it walked the streets in mean attire

with Crabbe; it was a poor barber here in Lancashire with

Arkwright; it was a tallow-chandler’s son with Franklin; it worked

at shoemaking with Bloomfield in his garret; it followed the plough

with Burns; and, high above the noise of loom and hammer, it

whispers courage even at this day in ears I could name in Sheffield

and in Manchester.

The more the man who improves his leisure in such a place learns,

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the better, gentler, kinder man he must become. When he knows how

much great minds have suffered for the truth in every age and time,

and to what dismal persecutions opinion has been exposed, he will

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Categories: Charles Dickens