The Fun House. By: Dean R. Koontz

He was going to kill her. She was sure of it.

aWait, listen, give me a chance to explain. What kind of life could it

have had anyway?” she argued desperately.

Conrad glared at her. His eyes were filled with cold fury but also

with madness. His wintry gaze pierced her, and she felt almost as if

sl*ers of ice were being driven through her by some slow, silent,

barely perceptible but nonetheless devastating explosion. Those were

not the eyes of a sane man.

She shivered. “It would have been miserable all its life. It would

have been a freak, ridiculed, rejected, despised. It wouldn’t have

been able to enjoy even the most ordinary pleasures. I didn’t do

anything wrong. I only put the poor thing out of its misery. That’s

all I did. I saved it from years and years of loneliness, from–”

Conrad slapped her face. Hard.

She looked frantically left and right, unable to see even the slightest

opportunity for escape.

His sharp, clean features no longer looked aristocratic, his face was

frightening, stark, carved by shadows into a ferocious, wolflike


He moved in even closer, slapped her again. Then he used his

fists–once, twice, three times, striking her in the stomach and the


She was too weak, too exhausted to resist him. She slid inexorably

toward the floor and, she supposed, toward death.

Mary, Mother of God!

Conrad grabbed her, held her up with one hand, and continued to slap

her, cursing her with each blow. Ellen lost count of the number of

times he struck her, and she lost the ability to distinguish each new

pain from the myriad old pains with which she was afflicted, and the

last thing she lost was consciousness.

After an indeterminable period of time, she drifted back from a dark

place where guttural voices were threatening her in strange


She opened her eyes, and for a moment she didn’t know where she was.

Then she saw the small, ghastly corpse on the floor, only a few feet

away. The gnarled face, frozen for all time in a vicious snarl, was

turned toward her.

Rain drummed hollowly on the rounded roof of the trailer.

Ellen was sprawled on the floor. She sat up. She felt terrible, all

busted up inside.

Conrad was standing by the bed. Her two suitcases were open, and he

was throwing clothes into them.

He hadn’t killed her. Why not? He had intended to beat her to death,

she was certain of that. Why had he changed his mind?

Groaning, she got to her knees. She tasted blood, a couple of her

teeth were loose. With tremendous effort, she stood.

Conrad shut the suitcases, carried them past her, pushed open the

trailer door, and threw the luggage outside. Her purse was on the

kitchen counter, and he threw that out after the bags. He wheeled on

her. “Now you.

Get the hell out and don’t ever come back.”

She couldn’t believe that he was going to let her live. It had to be a


He raised his voice. “Get out of here, slut! Move. Now!”

Wobbly as a colt taking its first steps, Ellen walked past Conrad. She

was tense, expecting another attack, but he did not raise a hand

against her.

When she reached the door, where windblown rain lashed across the

threshold, Conrad said, “One more thing.”

She turned to him, raising one arm to ward off the blow she knew had to

come sooner or later.

But he wasn’t going to hit her. He was still furious, but now he was

in control of himself. “Some day you’ll marry someone in the straight


You’ll have another child. Maybe two, three.”

His ominous voice contained a threat, but she was too dazed to perceive

what he was implying. She waited for him to say more.

His thin, bloodless lips slowly peeled back in an arctic smile.

“When you have children again, when you have kids you love and cherish,

I’ll come and take them away from you. No matter where you go, no

matter how far away, no matter what your new name may be. I’ll find

you. I swear I will. I’ll find you, and I’ll take your children just

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Categories: Koontz, Dean