The Fun House. By: Dean R. Koontz

you.” “Tell me what?” “Someday, when you were ready to be married,

when you were properly engaged, I was going to tell you why you must

never have a child. But you couldn’t wait for the proper time, could

you? Oh, no. Not you.

You had to give yourself away. You had to pull up your skirts the

first chance you got.

Still little more than a child yourself, and you had to throw yourself

at some high school boy. You had to rush out and fornicate in the

backseat of a car like a worthless little slut, like the worst kind of

pig. And now maybe it’s inside of you, growing.” “What are you

talking about?” Amy asked, wondering if her mother was completely


“It wouldn’t do any good for me to tell you,” Mama said. “You wouldn’t


You’d probably even welcome such a child. You’d embrace it just like

he did.

I’ve always said there was something evil in you. I’ve always told you

that you had to keep it in check. But now you’ve loosened the reins,

and that dark thing is running free, that evil part of you. You’ve

loosed the evil in you, and sooner or later, one way or the other,

you’ll have a child, you’ll bring one of them into the world, no matter

what I say to you, no matter how I plead with you. But you won’t do it

in this house. It won’t happen here. I’ll see to that. We’ll go to

Dr. Spangler, and he’ll abort it for you. And if there’s any sin in

that, if there’s mortal sin for someone to bear the burden of, it will

rest entirely on your shoulders, not mine. You understand?”

Amy nodded.

“It won’t matter to you, will it?” her mother asked meanly. “One more

sin won’t matter to you, will it? Because you’re already destined for

Hell anyway, aren’t you?” “No. No, Mama, don’t–” “Yes, you are.

You’re destined to be one of the Devil’s own women, one of his

handmaidens, aren’t you? I see that now. I see it. All my efforts

have been in vain. You can’t be saved.

So what’s one more sin to you? Nothing.

It’s nothing to you. You’ll just laugh it off.” “Mama, don’t talk to

me like that.” “I’m talking to you like you deserve to be talked to.

A girl who behaves the way you’ve behavedhow can she expect to be

talked to any differently?” “Please . . .” “Get a move on,” Mama

said. “Clean yourself up. I’ll call the doctor.”

Confused by the several twists that events had taken, baffled by her

mother’s certainty that the baby would be deformed, wondering about

Mama’s sanity, Amy went upstairs. In the bathroom she washed her


Her eyes were bloodshot from crying.

In her bedroom she took another skirt and a clean blouse from the

closet. She stripped off her sweat-streaked, wrinkled clothes. For a

moment she stood in bra and panties before the full-length mirror,

staring at her belly.

Why is Mama so certain that my baby will be deformed? Amy asked

herself worriedly. How can she know such a thing for sure? Is it

because she thinks I’m evil and that I deserve this sort of thing–a

deformed baby, a sign to the world that I’m the Devil’s handmaiden?

That’s sick. That’s twisted thinking.

It’s ridiculous and crazy and unfair. I’m not a bad person. I’ve made

some mistakes. I’ll admit that. I’ve made a lot of mistakes for

someone my age, but I’m not evil, damn it. I’m not evil.

Am I?

She stared into the reflection of her own eyes.

Am I?

Shivering, she dressed for the visit to the doctor’s office.

ON SUNDAY THE carnival moved to Clearfield, Pennsylvania, by highway

and rail, and on Monday the sprawling midway was erected again with

military efficiency.

Big American Midway Shows gave its own people and its concessionaires a

four o’clock show call for Monday afternoon, which meant that every

attraction-from the least imposing grab joint to the most elaborate

thrill ride–was expected to be operational by that hour.

Conrad Straker’s three enterprises, including the funhouse, were in

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Categories: Koontz, Dean