The Fun House. By: Dean R. Koontz


Liz looked down the tomb-black tunnel and said, “No. No, I can’t walk

through all that darkness. What if it’s waiting there for us?”

“You have matches in your purse,” Amy said. “We can use those to find

our way.”

“Good idea!” Buzz said.

Liz rummaged through her purse with shaking hands and found two packs

of matches, one full and one half-empty.

Buzz took them from her. He walked off, into the darkness, struck a

match, and was visible again. “Let’s go.”

“Wait,” Liz said. “Wait a minute. Maybe . . .”

“Maybe what?” Amy asked.

Buzz shook out the match as it came close to burning his fingers, and

he stepped back into the green light.

Liz shook her head to clear it. “I’m so damned wasted. I’m really

wrecked. I can’t think straight. So isn’t it possible that maybe this

isn’t really happening? Isn’t it possible that this is just a bad

trip? That was PCP I mixed in the last two joints. You can have a bad

trip on A-dust, you know.

Some of the worst trips you ever had. Maybe that’s what this is.

Just a bad trip.” aWe wouldn’t all be having the same hallucination,”

Buzz said.

“How do I know you’re even real?” Liz asked. “You might just exist in

my mind.

Maybe the real Buzz is sitting beside Amy in the back of that gondola,

halfway through the funhouse by now. Maybe I’m in that car, too, so

spaced out I don’t realize where I am.”

Amy gently slapped Liz’s face. “Listen. Listen to me, Liz. This

isn’t a bad trip. Not the way you mean it. This is real, and I’m

scared out of my wits, so let’s stop fooling around and get the hell

out of here.”

Liz blinked, licked her lips. “Yeah. You’re right. Sorry. It’s just

. . . I wish I didn’t feel so wasted.”

Buzz lit one match, then another and another, and they followed him

down the dark tunnel toward the funhouse entrance.

Joey stood with the barker in front of the funhouse, trying to remember

why he had been frightened of this man earlier in the day. Now the

carny was as friendly as a person could be, and he had a smile so nice

that Joey couldn’t help smiling, too.

“Have you been through my funhouse yet, son?” the barker asked.

“No,” Joey said. “I’ve been on a lot of other things, though.”

He had been avoiding the funhouse because he felt uneasy about Conrad

Straker, even though Straker had given him two free passes.

aMy funhouse is the best attraction on the midway,” Conrad said.

“Why don’t you let me take you on a personally guided tour? How about


Not just an ordinary ride like all the marks get, but a guided tour

with the owner. I can show you the workings of it, the

behind-the-scenes stuff that few people are ever fortunate enough to

see. I’ll show you how the monsters are built, how they’re made to

move and growl and gnash their teeth. Everything.

All of it.

I’ll show you the kind of things that a with-it-and-for-it person would

enjoy learning about.” “Gee,” Joey said, “you’d really do that?”

“Certainly,” the barker said heartily. “As I’m sure you noticed, I

closed the funhouse down for the night. The ticket booth is closed, as

you can see. I just sent the last car through, four nice teenagers.”

“One of them was my sister,” Joey said.

“Oh, really? Let me guess. There was one who looked like you. The

dark-haired girl in the green shorts.” “That’s her,” Joey said. “She

doesn’t know I’m here tonight. I want to wait for her to come out .


. to say hello. Hey, maybe she would like the guided tour, too. Could

she come along I’ll bet Amy would really enjoy it.”

The front doors of the funhouse were designed to open inward on

hydraulic rams. There were no handles on them, nothing by which they

could be gripped or moved.

“If I could get hold of an edge,” Buzz said, “maybe I could pry them

open. But they’re closed so damned tight.” “It wouldn’t matter if you

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Categories: Koontz, Dean