The Fun House. By: Dean R. Koontz


“I don’t think so, Liz.”

“Sure you will. You’re not going to become a nun, for God’s sake.

You need to get some of that old salami once in a while, kid. You need

it the same way I need it. We’re two of a kind in that respect.

Neither of us can do without a guy for long.”

“We’ll see,” Amy said.

“Only this time,” Liz said, “you’re going to do what I tell you.

You’re going to get a prescription for the pill.”

I really don’t think I’ll need it,” Amy said.

“That’s what you thought the last time, dope.”

A few minutes later, in her room, Amy knelt at the side of her bed and

started to say her prayers. But after a minute or two she stopped

because, for the first time in her life, she had the feeling that God

wasn’t listening. She wondered if He would ever listen to her again.

In bed she cried herself to sleep, and no one woke her for dinner or

for Mass the next morning. When she opened her eyes again, it was

eleven o’clock Sunday morning, and scattered, white clouds were racing

like great sailing ships across the sea-blue sky beyond her window.

She had slept eighteen hours straight through.

As far as she could remember, this was only the second time she had

missed Sunday Mass since she was a few months old. The other time had

been when she was nine and in the hospital, recovering from an

emergency appendectomy. She had been scheduled to be discharged on

Monday, and her mother had argued with the doctor about letting her out

one day early so she could be taken to church, but the doctor had said

that church wasn’t the best place for a child recuperating from


She was relieved that Mama hadn’t forced her to go to church this


Apparently Mama didn’t think that her wicked daughter belonged in a

church anymore.

And maybe Mama was right.

The following day, Monday, May 26, two sign painters went to work on

the large billboard at the entrance to the county fairgrounds, just

outside the Royal City limits. By midafternoon they were finished.





AFTER the abortion, the last week of June, Amy was working at The Dive,

nine-to-five Monday through Friday, and noon-to-six on Saturday. The

place was jumping every minute with a tanned and energetic crowd of


At six o’clock Saturday evening, as Amy was getting ready to go home,

Liz Duncan came in, looking like a million bucks in tight red shorts

and a white T-shirt, no bra. “I’ve got a date with Richie tonight.

He’s going to meet me here at six-thirty. Want to wait with me so I

don’t get lonely?”

“You wouldn’t get lonely,” Amy said. “If you sat down alone, every guy

in the place would be hanging on you in two minutes.”

Liz looked speculatively at the kids in The Dive, then shook her



Once I’ve dated a guy and then dropped him, he knows it’s over for

good, he knows it isn’t worth his time to pitch me for a rematch.”


“So most of the guys in here wouldn’t bother me if I sat down alone

because I’ve already screwed most of them.”

“Gross,” Amy said.

“But almost true,” Liz said.

“You’re bad.”

“That’s why the boys like me. Listen, are you going to keep me company

till Richie gets here?” “Sure,” Amy said.

She went to the fountain and drew down two Cokes, and she and Liz took

the first booth at the front of the room, where they had a view of Main


Liz’s car was parked out front. It was a yellow Toyota Celica.

Her parents had given it to her as a surprise graduation gift.

“No matter how hard I try,” Amy said, “I can’t picture you and Richie

Atterbury as a couple.”

“Why not? We were both unique in school,” Liz said. “He was the class

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Categories: Koontz, Dean